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It's been 2 weeks since we got back from Germany and I've been talking to Brand for about a week. She's much nicer when you get to know her, and we actually get along very nicely. I really like her, and she's very different from other people I've liked.

Our friendship or whatever, reminds me of AJ and I's friendship, but she doesn't remind me of AJ, and I kind of like it.

It's really hard being around people who remind me of her because it makes me miss her more. I already think about her everyday, and it makes it harder when I see her features in other people.

"Leah" she looks at me with a raised eyebrow "Isn't Jordan 5 years older than you" I ask her as I'm laying on the sofa and staring at the ceiling.

"Uhhh yes, she is" she says as she walks over to me and sits down before putting my head on her lap "Is there a reason why you're asking" she cautiously asks me whilst stroking through my hair, and I nod "Do you want to tell me the reason" I think about it for a while, before coming to the conclusion that she'll probably try to murder me if I do.

"I can't" I say with a pout.

"Why can't you" she asks so glances up at her with a look "Ok, so you were doing something that you weren't supposed to be doing" she asks me with a knowing smile.

"Yeah" she lets out a little laugh "But this time I'm like, 99% sure that you probably won't even hesitate to kill me" I say with a guilty smile while she looks down at me with a raised eyebrow, and an apprehensive expression.

"Ok, how about this....I can't promise not to scold you, but I promise to let you finish, and I also promise not to kill you, but you're definitely not getting away without at least talking about it, and if I know you as well as I think, then you're probably also going to be grounded" she says, and I think for a moment.

It's probably the best, and only, deal that I'll be getting, and I really do need her opinion on this, but I really don't want to be grounded again...

"I'll take the deal if you agree that the longest time you can ground me for is 2 weeks" she shakes her head with a laugh, and I pout "I know how curious you are, so if you don't take my deal I'm never gonna tell you what I did, and that's going to drive you crazy" I say with a victorious grin.

"Ok, fine. The longest I can ground you for is 2 weeks, but that means you have to tell me everything" she says, and I suck in a breath as I send her a hesitant look.

"I don't think you're gonna want to hear everything, but fine, I agree" I say as I lift her hand up so I can shake it.

"So. I met this girl in Germany, and she's actually really nice, and I think I have some feelings for her or maybe just like her" I say in confusion, making Leah nod, as to encourage me to continue.

"It's the same girl that tackled me in our game against Germany" she raises her eyebrows in surprise "I know, anyway, here's the part you're not gonna like...After the game I went out to explore, and I may have ended up in a nightclub, where I ran into her with some of her teammates. I was drinking, but I didn't get drunk. I wasn't even gonna talk to her, but she spotted me at my table, and then I ended up following her to the bathroom" I sheepishly tell her, and I can tell that she's really trying to hold herself back.

"Ok, can I ask you a question" I nod "It's kind of two questions, but anyway, isn't she a bit older than you, and did you get into a fight with her" she asks with a curious voice.

"Yeah. She's older than me, but no it wasn't a fight per se, it was more just me taking the piss out of her, and being a tease. I was also still a bit pissed of after my phone call with Teyah 2 days earlier, and then it ended up with us having sex in the bathroom at the club" I send her a sheepish smile, and she lets out a sigh "Yeah....this is the part that I think you don't want to hear everything about" I mumble out, making her quickly nod her head in agreement.

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