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Hi I'm TJ, and my talent is to get myself grounded by a professional football star. My record is 4 times in a month, but today I'm going to try and make it 5. My longest time for being grounded, was for a month, but I'm so bloody talented that I got grounded again after being free for 4 hours, and got sent back to hell for a week.

Leah wasn't in a good mood this morning, but I'm only grounded for 3 days, and I have to give her my laptop and iPad for a week, but I can have my phone from 9am to 6pm so it's not too bad.

But that's probably gonna change...

"Leah" I say, and I guess she's still in a bad mood since she looks at me with a resting bitch face.

"It's only a 3 hour flight TJ, and my answers are still the same, you can't get a bunny, I've told you why the sky's blue, you can't get a tattoo or weed or alcohol or anything else that's illegal, and for the love of god can you please put your damn seat belt on" she says in a blank voice.


She's in a bloody bad mood, and I haven't even done anything yet.

"Damn woman, calm your tits" her jaw drops, so I might as well just rip the band aid off "I was just gonna inform you that I'm thinking about trying crack" I tell her with a nonchalant tone, and she's literally turning red.

"Tatum Jones, if you ever, and I mean EVER, think about doing that, you will be grounded till the day you die, and you'll be stuck by my side for a year" she states in an angry voice that makes me bite my tongue, so I won't burst into laughter "And watch your god-damn language" she sternly adds, and I nod with a chuckle.

I decide to leave her alone since she seems to be having a bad day, and I'll refrain from informing her of my plan, but I'm hopeful that she'll be in a better mood when I carry it out, which won't happen for a while since it's personal, and I'm not thrilled about the possibility of getting fired...


We just arrived back at Arsenal's training grounds, and I'm seconds away from bashing my head against the wall from how fucking bored I am, but it's seems like Leah doesn't care, as she's having an intense conversation with Beth, Steph and Wally about some bloody game they want to see.

Maybe she'll hurry up if I execute my plan...

It sounds very tempting.

But is it worth it when I could potentially be fired?


NO, I mean no...


"I'm getting myself fired if you don't pick up the pace" I mutter under my breath in an irritable tone, which makes her finally look at me, but she's sending me a warning glare.

To show her how much I care I roll my eyes at her, which makes her face harden, but I don't care since the only thing I care about is getting the fuck out of here and getting home, so that I can lay in my bed until I either die or I have to get up...

The possibility of getting fired has just disappeared from my plan, which means that the possibility of getting the fuck home is only an arms length away.

You have to chase your dreams to achieve them...

"OI" I call out, which makes her turn around just as my fist connects with her face, making her stumble back "That's for being a wanker to Wally, but thanks for helping me with my plan for getting home" I say in a thankful tone before patting her shoulder, and then I'm literally dragged back.

I look back at Leah, and I don't think I've ever seen her so angry. She doesn't even speak, she's just glaring at me with a murderers look, but I'm an idiot with a death wish, and I'm getting closer and closer to achieving it...

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