Feelings 25

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Teyah hasn't talked to me for a week and I haven't tried to talk to her either. She's mostly training with the academy but when she trains with us we only talk when we're forced to.

"Okay TJ, what the hell's up with you guys, you're normally at each other's throats" Katie asks me as we're having a water break before moving on to shooting.

"Nothing's up, we just have a mutual understanding about staying away from each other" I say in a blank tone before going back to practice.

It's my turn to shoot and Teyah's crossing the ball to me. She fucks it up so I barely manage to get a touch on it but it isn't enough to control it properly and the shot goes straight into the crossbar.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT GOLDIE" I shout at her and throw my hands up but she ignores me which pisses me off.

I don't care about what's happening outside of training, but when we're at training we keep it professional and if she can't do that then she needs to fuck off.

"Oi, it was an honest mistake and we all make mistakes so don't be so hard on her" Kim says as she walks over to me and puts her hand on my shoulder but I just shrug it off before walking away.

It's not a bloody mistake, she's been sending perfect crosses to everyone else and she's just doing it out of spite so when she does the same thing when it's my turn again, I get fucking pissed.

I managed to control it better and I got it into the net but that's not the bloody point.

When training's over I walk up to her and wait until she gives me any type of indication that she knows I'm there but she doesn't, so I decide to be stupid and open my mouth.

"What the hell's wrong with you, I get it if you regret sleeping with me but don't take it out on me in training, be a fucking professional or get the fuck off the team" I frustratedly say before going out of my way to shoulder check her while walking past her.

"Fuck off Tatum" she says and pushes my back causing me to fall down.

She fucked up...

"TATUM DON'T" Leah yells as she, Katie and Beth start running over to us but I'm already back on my feet and throw a hard punch to her stomach that makes her lose her breath and buckle over.

Seconds later I'm being ripped back and dragged away from her by a furious yet shocked looking Leah.

"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING TJ, ARE YOU BLOODY INSANE" she yells at me and I laugh in her face.

"She pushed me to the ground, I was just finishing what she started" I nonchalantly tell her.

"You could've seriously hurt her Tatum, do you not care about that" I shake my head with an emotionless expression "You've gone too far this time" she says before walking away and going over to Teyah who's finally managed to catch her breath.

I know I should feel guilty but I don't feel anything, absolutely nothing at all, even though I can see the tears in her eyes, I don't care.

I'm completely numb and for once, I love that feeling.


I'm suspended from the squad for a week or longer, unless I apologise for my actions but I'm stubborn so I probably won't do it.

I'm sitting on the sofa with a disappointed Katie while I wait for Leah to stop scolding me.

"What you said and did to her was horrible TJ and you should be ashamed of yourself, you know better than this and until you apologise to her, I don't want to see you so you can go to your room" she finally finishes and I'm so happy to get to go to my room.

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