Other shoe 40

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You'd think that almost dying from an overdose would get you out of being punished, but it seems like it doesn't.

I didn't get scolded as much as I thought I would, but I did get grounded for 2 months, and a shit ton of chores.

I did have to apologise to Cait for punching her, and she forgave me. The team also apologised to me for some reason, but I'm definitely not complaining since they literally turned me into a weird looking Smurf...

But enough about the fact that trouble seems to be my bestie, and let's start focusing on this free kick I'm supposed to be focusing on instead.

It's not too far out, but it's at a horrible angle, and Beth should be ashamed of herself for getting tackled at this spot.

"Why couldn't you just have gone a little further to the left before deciding to get put on your bloody ass" I mutter out under my breath as I remove the foam shit, and place the ball in the spot where I want it.

"YOU FUCKERS READY" I call over to them, and they send me some disapproving looks, and kindly remind me to watch my bloody language.

Some things never change...

The whistle blows, and I raise my hand to signal to the team to get the fuck out of my way before kicking it with a lot of power, and getting a nice little curve on it.

"BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME BABES" I yell at the Everton players, and they send me dirty looks, making me laugh.

The game continues on, and we're 4-0 up in the final 15 minutes, so why not try to make it a bit more interesting...

One of their defenders has the ball, so I decide to live out my life long dream of being a defender by spotting her.

She tries to dribble around me, but I poke the ball through her legs before laughing at her. She seems a bit mad, so I pass her the ball for her to try again, but she doesn't seem to be doing much better.

Being a defender is honestly so boring...

"You're doing amazing sweetie, keep up with your training and keep on slaying queen" I say in a high pitched straight girl voice, and flick my wrist before running away with the ball.

I'm in a good position, so I make it look like I'm about to cross the ball over to Beth, making the keeper be so kind as to get the fuck out of my way, before I slot it into the bottom corner.

"Nothing but net babes" I cheekily say with a smirk before running away.

"You're honestly so bloody mean" Beth laughs and shakes her head.

"Thanks" I send her a wink, and we continue on with the game.


The game is finally finished, and I can't wait to get some rest, and I'm so happy that this was the last game of the season.

Now I have 3 weeks to do absolutely nothing before I have to go to camp, although I'm pretty excited for the euros, but I really need some time to relax before being stuck with 22 other lunatics for god knows how long.

"Leah" I say as we're walking back to the changing room, and she looks at me.

"What's up honey" she softly asks.

"I think I'm ready to start looking at things differently, and get better" I say sincerely, and she's got the biggest smile.

"That's great I'm so pro-" I cut her off because I'm a delightful person...

Trouble just finds me...Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon