Video 22

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It's our last day in camp and I've been enjoying my time here. Goldie's been ignoring me since that little incident 3 days ago and I'm really enjoying the peace.

I'm a really competitive person so when I set my mind on something you best believe that I'm going to do everything in my power to succeed, and I think I did.

Although I do feel quite bad about it but I choose to ignore it since I'm not reminded of AJ every single fucking day.

At least not as much...

"What did you do to scare Teyah away" Kei asks and I look at her confused.

"TJ, you're seriously so bloody mean, Goldie's name is Teyah Goldie how do you not know that" I shrug and continue eating my food "You've been torturing the poor girl the whole time we've been here and you can't even remember her name. You really need to go to a professional" G says causing me to roll my eyes as I'm not in a good mood today.

"I told her that I'm mean and that I would make it my mission to humiliate her so I did, don't say I didn't warn her. She chose to play the bloody game so that's on her, she knew what she was getting herself into straight from the beginning and I don't see the need to know her bloody name when I don't want to" I say with no emotion "Also, get in fucking line, I've heard it from plenty of people that I need to see a therapist and I will....once I'm dead" I say with a eye roll before standing up and walking away.

I'm walking around the building to waste some time and also to avoid my teammates but the universe is really against me as I'm pushed into some random supply closet.

"You really are a fucking asshole" she says and I laugh at her.

"Tell me something I don't know babe" I laugh out which only makes her more irritated "Is there a reason why you pulled me in here other than to tell me that I'm an asshole this close to my face" I ask with a smirk.

It's a good question since the space between us is almost nonexistent and she's got her hands on either side of my head, affectively trapping me.

"I honestly just wanted to tell you that and that you're a dickhead who can't even remember my name" she says as she gets closer to me and I laugh in her face.

I like having a death wish...

It makes everything so much more fun.

"Funny you say that, G was just saying the same thing" I laugh with a smirk as I look up at her "If you don't have sex, drugs or alcohol, I have no interest in staying here for any longer than necessary, if you have any more complaints you can file them over to Leah and I'm sure she'll scold me for it" I say before putting my hands on her chest and pushing her a bit "Now if you'll excu-" she cuts me off by grabbing my face and kissing me.

I don't know why but I melt into the kiss and start to kiss her back. She lets one of her hands slide down to my ass and squeezes it making me gasp and she uses the opportunity to slide her tongue in my mouth.

The kiss is quickly getting heated and I pull her closer to me with one hand while the other one's in her hair. We pull back when air becomes an issue and just look at each other while trying to catch our breath.

"I still hate you" she says making me laugh.

"But I always knew that you liked my ass and you can't deny that this" I gesture between us "Was a pretty good kiss" I cheekily say making her laugh.

"You're an asshole with a nice ass" she says and pecks my lips again before we check to see if anyone's there and going our separate ways.

"Next time just text me" I say before walking away.

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