Regret 39

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I try to open my eyes, but there's two things keeping me from opening them. Number 1, it's too bloody bright. Number 2, Jule's looking like she's very fucking likely to smother me with a pillow or just straight up choking me to death...

That's a bit too kinky for me...

"Thank god" Leah lets out in a sigh, and I can hear how tired she is, but I'm still not opening my eyes.

Or at least I wasn't, but that's until the problem starts speaking...

"You know what" oh god please just kill me with "Since TJ doesn't seem likely to wake up, I'm just gonna take Jule, and grab a snack. Maybe I can even tell you a bit more about TJ and how much we all love her" she says in a smug tone, and I'm contemplating if I should believe her or not, but that's quickly solved when Leah starts talking.

"You should tell her about that time in camp. I think Jule would love to hear that" she says in the same tone as Teyah used.

I don't know which time they're talking about, but there's a bit too many that I'd like to take to the grave...

"You mean the time she ran into the dining hall half naked, or the time she thou-" no way in hell that she's finishing that sentence.

"I wasn't naked you wanker, and you're taking that to the grave" I mutter out in an unenthusiastic tone and a hoarse voice before getting pulled up into a hug by Leah.

"Don't you ever do this again, you scared the life out of me, and I can't lose you" she mutters into my hair, and I relax into her arms.

"Wasn't really planning on it the first time, but I'll get back to you" I sarcastically say in a hoarse voice, and she smacks the back of my head.

"You know you can still return her" Goldie locks informs Jule, and I hear her laugh.

"Oi, you don't get to have an opinion, you wank-" I cut myself off when I see the glare I'm getting from Jule "Sorry" I mumble under my breath, and Goldie locks gives me a big smile.

"Never mind. You can't leave now because that's the first, and probably last time, I've ever heard her say sorry to me" Goldie says in a happy tone, and I bury my face into Leah's shoulder.

She really wants me dead...

Leah eventually lets go of me, and Jule comes over to me and brings me into a hug, but it's more like an attempt to squeeze me to death...

"You're an absolute idiot, and I really want to punch you, you arschloch" she mumbles into my hair before kissing my head, but I don't really mind since I'm just happy to see her, but I'm still confused.

"Not that I don't want you here, but why are you here" I ask her, making her look at me with a deadpan look.

"Because you're an idiot, and when Teyah called me at 1:30am, telling me that you're in the hospital because you took some stupid pills, so I got on the next flight and came to tell you that you're an idiot" she softly says, but there's also a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

She's got a lovely way with words.

"So you're basically just saying that you missed me, and that I gave you an opportunity to see me" I ask with a little grin, and she slaps my arm, but she's got a little smile on her face.

"I don't like your humour" she tries to say seriously, but she's still got that smile, so I just give her a cheeky smile back and kiss her cheek.

"But you like me" I retort with a big smile, which makes her cheeks turn red and she chuckles.

"The two of you are making me feel so bloody single, and it's sickening" Goldie groans out.

"Well, then you should probably stop moaning about it, and go find someone" I snap back with a cheeky smile, and Jule glares at me.

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