Fall on your face 28

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Has it ever happened to you that you're trying to ignore your problems but they just keep bugging you?

Well, I'm in that situation, and my problem even has its own name.

Normally I call it Goldie locks or The Problem, but its actual name is Teyah Goldie, and I'm getting concerned about how often I get the urge to punch her.

Taaaaatuuuuum" she whines out as she lays down on my lap while I'm sitting on the sofa in the chill room, praying that Leah hurries the fuck up.

"TJ please answer her, I don't think I can make it through another 5 minutes of hearing her whine" Cait/aussie 2, says with a groan as she's also sitting here.

"No, she's bugging me but if you don't think you can make it, you're welcome to kill her, I'll even help you hide the body" I say with a sweet smile and The Problem punches my shoulder.

Did I mention that I'm only ignoring her?

I didn't?


"Why does Teyah look close to tears" Leah asks when she finally gets her ass ready.

"TJ has been ignoring her and was just suggesting that her and Cait should murder her" Lia snitches as she gets up from her seat and I glared at her.

"Tatum Jones, be nice to her" Leah sternly scolds, making me roll my eyes before standing up and accidentally throwing Goldie locks on the floor.

"Ok I did not mean to do that, that was actually an accident" I say before reaching my hand out to help her up but that bitch pulls me down to the floor "Never mind, I'll still help Cait hide her body" I say before standing up and walking towards the car.

"TATUM JONES" I hear Leah yell but I'm already on a roll with ignoring my problems so why not add one more to the list?

Leah finally unlocks the car so I throw my bag into the boot of the car before getting in the front seat and buckling the seatbelt.

"Why are you being so mean to her today, the two of you were fine yesterday" Leah says calmly and with a questioning look.

"She left me on read this morning so it's just pay back" I casually say making her laugh in disbelief.

"She thinks she's done something horrible, at least let her know that she didn't do anything" she says and I shake my head causing her to groan.


When we got home Leah tried scolding me but I couldn't be bothered so now I'm in my room, playing my favourite game...

How long can I play pass with the wall before Leah comes into my room and confiscates my ball?

I think I've been doing it for at least 40 minutes so either she doesn't care or she isn't inside.

I've been thinking about getting another tattoo sometime soon, I found a nice lady that's really talented and she's trying to start up her shop, so I asked her if she could look past my age if I gave her 4000£ to help start her shop and be my tattoo artist and she said yes.

This is why a 16 year old shouldn't have access to so much money....

TATUM STOP PLAYING FOOTBALL IN THE HOUSE" Leah yells as I hear the front door closing.

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