Half dressed 16

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"Please don't make me go in there, can't you just put me in jail for doing coke, underage drinking or smoking weed in front of you" I plead with them when we pull into the driveway and they chuckle.

Bloody bastards...

"We probably could but I think jail wouldn't be as bad as when we have to tell Leah what you just told us" mr. Copper says, making my face fall.

I think death is better than that.

"If I punch you can you put me in jail" I wonder out loud and they look at me before getting out of the car.

As they open my door I get ready to punch them but I didn't think it through, by asking them that, it would give they the advantage of knowing my plan and now I'm in fucking handcuffs....

I'd make a horrible criminal.

They knock on the door and we wait for a moment, they use that time to uncuff me and when the door opens I see Leah with red puffy eyes making me feel extremely guilty.

"Oh god" she gasps before pulling me into a bone crushing hug "Thank god you're ok" I carefully wrap my arms around her and relax into her arms "I was so worried about you although you're an absolute idiot and you're in so much trouble but I'm so glad you're back safe" she says and kisses the top of my head.

Leah doesn't let me go which I don't mind but what I do mind is that I have to listen to her talk to the coppers and they're telling her absolutely everything.

"You almost gave me a heart attack TJ, please don't do this ever again, I'm not letting you leave my side for a long time, this is your home just as much as it's mine and I'm so sorry for what I said, I really didn't mean it like that" she says as she lifts me up and walks over to the sofa where she sits down with me on her lap.

I don't know what to say.

I feel so bad for what I did, I really didn't believe that she cared so much about me and how much I hurt her when I left.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know you cared so much and I just wanted to give you an out so you wouldn't have to deal with me anymore" I mumble into her jumper in a guilty voice.

"You're an absolute idiot for thinking that I don't want you, I love you kiddo and I never want to lose you. When you still hadn't come back after 5 hours, I called almost everyone before calling the police and when they didn't find you by night time...I've never been so scared in my life" she says in a loving voice.

"I'm sorry for making you miss camp" I say before thinking about what she said "I love you too and you're like a mum to me" I quickly say and bury my face in her chest.

She doesn't say anything so I start to worry that I messed up by saying that, I carefully look up at her and she has tears in her eyes.

"Im sor-" I go to say and start trying to get off her lap but she cuts me off while pulling me back.

"No, don't be sorry hon, it's just, I don't think you've ever said that to me and it means so much to me" she smiles softly before it turns into a cheeky grin "Is that why you don't listen to me" she asks with a chuckle and I groan as I bury my face into her neck.

She laughs at me but doesn't let me go, I think she lifted my TV ban since she put on a show for us to watch.

"And you didn't make me miss camp, we're going there tomorrow" she suddenly says and I let out a groan.

"Do I have to go" she nods "But what about Beth, she called me like, 15 times and she's definitely gonna kill me" I say and she just nods her head again.

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