Too calm 11

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We landed about 20 minutes ago and I've managed to sober up a bit while waiting for our bags but I'm still noticeably hungover and I still have weed brain.

Basically, I'm more stupid than normally and I'm constantly zoning out.

More than usual...

"Just say you're sick and that you need to sleep, don't talk too much" Katie says as she pulls me into her and I laugh at her.

"Don't worry, this isn't my first time doing this" I tell her which makes her lightly smack my forehead.

We get our bags before making our way towards the pick up area and we spot Leah standing near the entrance of the airport.

"TJ" she says as she pulls me into a hug and I almost throw up "I missed you" she says and looks at me which makes her expression change from happy to confused.

"I missed you too but I'm very fucking sick and I might throw up on you if you don't let go" I say as I try my hardest not to do just that.

She lets me go but keeps her arm around my shoulder before leading me out to the car and placing my bags in the boot after having helped me get into the backseat.

I looked out the window for the rest of the way home, completely zoned out and didn't even notice that the car was parked in front of our house until Leah opened my door.

"Let's get you inside so you can go to sleep and you'll hopefully feel better afterwards" I give her a weak nod and let her help me out of the car and into my room.

I didn't even notice that she'd already dropped off Katie and Rue but I don't care since all I care about right now is sleeping off this hangover.


I look at my phone to see it's now 4:30pm and I think we arrived home at about 10:30am this morning so I've managed to sleep off my hangover.

Thank god.

While I'm lying in bed, thinking about all of my life decisions, my bedroom door opens to reveal a weird looking Leah and I think I have an idea of why that might be....

"Hey kiddo" she says as she walks over to me and sits down on my bed "Are you feeling any better" I give her a nod as to not reveal anything.

"I think it was just something I ate" I say as I lay my head on her lap.

"So you weren't hungover" I shake my head, not daring to look up at her "If you're lying to me you'll be in more trouble than if you tell me the truth" she says and starts to comb through my hair.

She's too calm and I don't trust it.

"What kind of trouble" I ask as I contemplate whether or not to tell her.

"Grounded for a long time kind of trouble and never going to Ireland alone kind of trouble" she says, she's still too calm for my liking.

"And if I tell you the truth" I ask cautiously.

"You'll still not be going to Ireland alone but I'll only ground you for a week or until we go to San Francisco" she says.

I contemplate my decision since it's out of the question that I'll be going to Ireland alone again in both situations, the only question is, do I want to be grounded while we're on vacation?

"Maybe I was a tiny bit hungover" I mumble out making her hum "Ok maybe a little more than that but it's only because I didn't get much sleep since you booked the earliest flight possible" I try to defend but she raises her eyebrows "I'm sorry" I tell her.

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