Seaweed 30

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"It's time for team bonding hon" Leah says before standing up, making me do the same and we make our way to the chill room.

Rach and Millie are the ones who're leading the team bonding this time around so we're probably going to play some games instead of watching a movie.

"Ok, we're playing 2 truths and a lie to get to know each other better" Rach tells us and I can hear some of the girls groan.

"Oh, stop it, it'll be fun" Millie says before looking at me with a mischievous grin "TJ, why don't you start" she says which makes me roll my eyes with a groan.

"Ok, uhh" what the hell can I say "Ok, I've got a tattoo, I did gymnastics and I've slept in a trash can" I say and they all look at me with disbelief making me laugh.

They talk about it for a while before finally guessing.

"You didn't do gymnastics" most of them say.

"You haven't slept in a trash can" Leah, Kei and Lucy say.

"You're right, it was a bin lorry, but I actually did gymnastics for 3 years until I was asked to leave" I tell them with a smile.

"Why" Jill asks making all of them nod.

"Which one" I ask.

"Both" a few of them say in sync.

"Well, I was asked to leave because I broke my coach's arm after he pushed me off the trampoline" Leah groans "And I slept in the bin lorry when AJ and I were running from the coppers after we smashed a girls car, but in my defence, she'd been bullying AJ for a year before I came to the school so she kind of deserved it, and she was 5 years older than us" I say like it's the most normal thing to do but according to their reactions, it definitely isn't...

She really did deserve it, AJ was 12 when it started, while the girl was was 17, so, when I started going to the school a year later and befriended AJ, I decided to take matters into my own hands since the teachers did jack shit.

I did end up getting into trouble but since I was 12 and my reasoning was good, they let me go after my parents came to get me.

I didn't even end up getting charged or paying for the damage because when I told her parents what she did, they were furious and she ended up paying for it herself as a punishment for being a bully.

"I really don't want to get on your bad side, you're definitely something else" Ellie says which makes me smile proudly before getting smacked in the back of my head by Kei.

After a little scolding we continued on with the game. Rach was right, I'm really getting to know the team better and the best part about it, is that they sometimes forget about the fact that I'm only 16, so I'm hearing some juicy stuff.

"My favourite sandwich costs 1£, I made my debut against Russia and I made my debut start on 4th of September" Leah says and I'm surprised that the girls even have to think about it.

Or maybe it's just because I live with her and know the lie...

"Starting debut was the 5th" Lucy says.

"The only thing I know for sure is that the bloody sandwich only costs 99p" I say to which Medo and Lotte agree.

"TJ's right" Leah says with a laugh.

"Damn right I am, you seriously don't shut up about it, or the fact that you studied to be an accountant" I groan out making Kei and G agree with me.

The game lasted for another hour and thankfully I didn't get into too much trouble or reveal anything that could land me in prison, but Leah definitely didn't agree with some of the things I said and made sure to scold me for it.

Trouble just finds me...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora