Civil conversation 32

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"The person who decided it was a good idea to have the game kickoff at 11:30am should be put on death row, and I'd be more than happy to flip the bloody switch" I grumble out as I'm trying not to fall asleep while eating my breakfast.

"TATUM JONES" bloody hell "Watch your mouth, and don't ever wish for someone's death again" Leah scolds me with a stern voice and an angry expression.

I'm honestly too bloody tired for this shit show, so I give her a thumbs up, but I end up face planting into my breakfast, making the whole team bursts into laughter.

I must've forgot about the fact that I was using that hand to rest my head on...

"You're all bloody wankers" I mumble into my pancakes.

I'm not even gonna bother trying to lift my head up, since the pancakes actually make a great pillow.

"Watch your language TJ, and get up" Leah says, but I'm just gonna ignore her.

"Up you go" Mary says in a playful voice as she lifts my head up from my plate, and I let out a whine.

"Nooo, it's not even 8am" I groan out before getting picked up from my seat.

"Leah" ugh "I think your kid's broken" Mary says as I manage to get myself down on the floor before putting my hands under my head to use them as a pillow.

"I know" she laughs out, so I give her the finger "Just leave her be or put her on Lucy's lap" she says before going back to her breakfast, and I let out a sigh of relief.

Sometimes I think my teammates see me as a doll that they can drag around, especially when I'm trying to sleep...

Someone decides to pick me up from the floor, and I'm guessing it's probably either Lucy or Leah, but I can't tell which one it is since I'm half asleep.

Can you sue people for disturbing your sleep?

I'm really starting to regret my decision to watch Shrek 1 and 2 last night and not going to sleep until 3:30am...


To my surprise, Sarina decided to put me in the starting lineup for today's game, which either means that I've been doing well in training or that she's out of her mind.

I'm guessing it's a little bit of both, but I'm leaning more towards the latter, because who in their right mind would put a kid in their starting lineup for a qualifier game?

At least I'm not the only one here that's mentally unstable...

"I don't know the words to this song so I'm just randomly putting out words that make me look like I know what I'm talking about but in reality I don't really know anything about this shit show of a country other than the fact that there's a queen and a king that looks like he's a character from the walking dead" I finish singing my version of England's national anthem, but when I look at the girls they're all giving me death glares.

I thought it was kind of catchy.

"This is the country that started the war but ended up loosing it's shi-" I was trying to sing Germany's national anthem, but both Lucy and Kei cut me off by putting their hands over my mouth and glaring at me.

What's up with people and glaring at me?

Once that shit is over and done with, we shake hands with the other team before getting into our positions whilst Leah goes to do the captain's things.

"You're going to be getting the scolding of a lifetime after that little stunt" G laughs out, so I push her away before running to my position.

"You look a bit mean" I tell the girl that's the closest to me, and she gives me a weird look.

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