Tired 4

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After dinner last night I went back to my room and watched TV till 4 in the morning which was probably a horrible idea since now I'm bloody tired and I have a crazy lady screaming at me that we're gonna be late.

"TATUUUM" Leah yells from somewhere in the house "GET OUT OF BED AND GET DRESSED" she yells and I let out a groan before burying my face into my pillow.

Will she disappear if I just ignore her and go back to sleep?

As I'm falling back asleep the door to my room bursts open and the covers are ripped off of me.

"Tatum get up we have to leave in 10 minutes to make it to training on time" she says sternly and I let out a groan.


Why did I come here?

"But I'm tired" I mumble into my pillow.

She takes my hand and pulls me up so I'm sitting before pulling me out of bed and pushing me into the bathroom.

I slowly begin to brush my teeth, then I put my hair up in a bun before going into the living room and flopping face down onto the sofa.

My peace doesn't last though, as soon as I've found a comfortable position, she pulls me up again and drags me out to the car where I fall asleep as soon as I finish buckling my seatbelt.

Tatum wake up, we're here" Leah shakes my shoulder so I slap her hand away.

"Nooo I'm sooo tired" I say in a whiny tone.

It seems like it worked as she got out of the car and left me alone to sle-

"Let's go" she says after opening my door and unbuckling my seatbelt.

Next time I'll remember to lock it.

"You're mean today" I grumble as we're walking up to the building and she lets out a little chuckle.

"What's up with the kid" Katie says as she walks up to us and slings her arm around my shoulder.

The impact and the fact that my eyes aren't even open, leads me to fall on the floor and I decide that I'm giving up.

I'm too tired for this shit.

It's really cozy now that I think about it, it's cold and it's recently been cleaned so I don't really mind sleeping on it.

"KATIE" why must she be so loud? "Don't injure the kid before she even gets the chance to start training" Leah, for some reason, is really protective over me.

"I didn't even do anything. I just put my arm around her shoulder" Katie defends.

"What are the two of you doing there, standing over a little kid" some rando says.

"That's our new teammate who Katie just tried to kill" Leah says as she lifts me up.

"Come ooon, I was just falling asleep" I whine and try to get back on the floor.

"Hi I'm Steph, nice to meet you" the Aussie says making me finally open my eyes.

"I'm tired" I say which makes Katie nudge me, almost making me fall again but Leah holds me up "I mean. Hi I'm TJ nice to meet you too" I say tiredly "Is miss muscle on the team" I ask and look up at Leah who furrows her eyebrows in confusion.

"No Lucy doesn't play for us, she's a Manchester City player" Katie informs me and Leah laughs.

"Why do you call her that and why do you need her" she asks me while chuckling a bit.

"Because I didn't know her name, she's muscly, I don't feel like walking and you 3 probably aren't strong enough to carry me" I say with a grin.

Always tell competitive people they can't do something because it makes them do it.

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