Front flip 7

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We're warming up before the game and I'm about to pass out.

Who the fuck decided that it's a good idea to play a match at 12:30pm?

I had to wake up at 9am so we could get to the stadium at 10am and I went to fucking sleep at 4am.

That's 5 bloody hours before a 90 minute game...

"TJ get up please" Tobin says as she stands over my dying body.

"It's too early for this shit, I honestly think I'm dying" I say before letting out a dramatic gasp and pretending to die.

"You're always tired, when do you normally go to sleep" she asks me and pulls me up from the ground.

"At like 4am" I say nonchalantly.

"WHAT" bloody hell "I said good night to you at 11pm and you even got ready for bed" Leah says in disbelief.

"I was thinking about important things such as, when the hell am I done being grounded and how do we know which way the earth spins" I say with a shrug of my shoulders and lift my arms up.

"I'm honestly considering sending you to therapy" she says which makes me laugh and look at her like she's crazy.

"It's normal, I've been doing it for years" I laugh out like it's not a big deal, she just shakes her head before passing me the ball and I meg Tobin just for good measure.

I'm casually dribbling the ball over to Katie to meg her when I see some of the Chelsea players, so I decided to rile them up a bit and do the most logical thing I could think of, which is to meg ms muscle 2.0.

"Oi" I burst out laughing until she starts to walk over to me so I, again, do the most logical thing possible.

"PEDOO" I yell as I start sprinting towards Katie and Beth before hiding behind them "Ms muscle 2.0 is trying to kill me" I say and jump on Katie's back.

Everyone is looking at me since I not so quietly yelled out 'pedo'

"Who" Beth asks so I point at her "Mills, please don't kill our kid" Beth says with a laugh "And stop calling people pedo's it's gonna get you in trouble one day" she tells me so I give her the finger and stick my tongue out before putting Katie in a headlock.

"She megged me and called me a pedo" ms muscle 2.0 says.

"Ms muscle 2.0 is lying, I did no such thing" I defend but I get a feeling they don't believe me.


"Why add the 2.0" ms muscle 2.0 asks.

"Because I already have a ms muscle" I tell her like it's common sense.

"Better get used to it. I'm aussie nr 2" Cait says with a groan.

"TJ continue warming up" blondie says and I jump off Katie's back before saluting him.

"Yes sir blondie sir" I say and run off with the ball.

We play a game of rondo until I'm kicked out for being mean which I wasn't, I was just hogging the ball a bit and maybe I kicked the ball a little too hard at Lotte's behind.

It was an accident...


"I was over in the bench, I was over on the bench, cause I was over on the bench, cause I was sitting over on the bench, BECAUSE I WAS OVER ON THE BENCH" I say as I'm sitting on the bench with Jordan and Lotte.

"WE GET IT" Frida yells as she lets out a loud sigh.

"No need to be so rude" I mumble out and start actually watching the game.

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