Kitty 8

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"AJ I'm telling you she's bloody pissed off and I don't know what to fucking do" I tell her on the verge of a breakdown.

After that fight with Leah I snuck out again, great idea I know, and I made my way to the same park as last time before calling AJ.

"TJ please try to breathe, you're going to send yourself into a panic attack" I do as she says and take a deep breath "Thank you. Now can you tell me why this is bugging you so much because normally you don't care about others opinions" she asks in a calm tone which helps me to calm down.

"UGH I don't know...I just feel like she was judging me without even knowing the whole fucking story, I didn't even want it, I know that it's my fault and that I shouldn't have drank so bloody much but that still doesn't give her the fucking right to judge me" I'm starting to get angry and I think AJ realises it.

"Hey, hey, hey it's alright TJ I know what happened but it wasn't your fault" I shake my head as I start to feel the tears coming down "TJ please listen to me" I look at her and give her a nod "Even though you were drunk it still doesn't make it your fault, I know you know that and I know you would never want me to blame myself if it happened to me" she says in a loving voice but also sternly.

"I know it's just my brain telling me that it's my fault" I say as I take a seat against a tree.

"Do you think you're able to go back now, I'm sure she's worried about you" she says and I shake my head.

I'm not ready for the scolding for sneaking out again and I'm not in the mood for it.

I'm just bloody tired and I need weed.

Haha that rhymes...

"Ok, that's ok but is it alright if I call Katie to come and get you" she asks and I think about it before nodding "Ok just don't hang up, I'm just gonna get mum's phone and call her" I give her a nod.

I don't know how long I've been here or how long it's been since AJ called Katie but I also haven't been listening to her because I'm too stuck in my head.

"Hey kiddo" Katie says as she sits down beside me "Hi AJ, I've got her" she says and only then do I realise that I'm still on the phone with her.

"I love you T and please tell her what happened" AJ says and I nod before saying bye.

Katie helps me up to my feet and pulls me into a hug where I break down in her arms, she picks me up before carrying me to her car. I don't know where we're going but I honestly don't care, I know I'm safe with her and I know she won't let Leah scold me.

"Are you ready to go in kiddo" she asks me and I look up to see we're in front of my house.

I just give her a nod before opening my door, waiting until she gets to my side so we can walk in together. Katie knocks on the door and not long after, a panicked looking Leah answers the door and lets us in.

"Where the he-" Leah goes to say but Katie cuts her off before she can even finish her sentence.

"Don't Leah...not now" Katie can honestly be really scary when she wants to.

Leah shuts up before walking away, Katie walks me into my room where I lay down on my bed and I silently cry into my pillow.

Katie's pov

When AJ called me to ask if I could go pick TJ up, I didn't imagine that she'd be in the state she's in and have her completely break down in my arms. I knew that she'd snuck out since Leah called earlier to ask if she was at my place and then told me that she'd snuck out again.

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