Irish coffee 5

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We're waiting in line at the cafe that they decided to go to and I'm dying of boredom.

I forgot my pen at home so now I have nothing to entertain myself with other than listening to the girls talk about some game they watched and some boring adult stuff.

"Can I have Irish coffee" I ask Leah. She looks at me with that 'seriously' expression and shakes her head "Why not" I ask her.

"Because you're under age" she says which makes me smirk.

"I beat your ass in a 4vs1 after drinking half a bottle of straight vodka" I say with that same smirk.

I'm never letting her live that down.

"That's exactly the reason, you're already a borderline alcoholic and you're only 15" she counters.

"That's just mean" I pout and walk over to Katie.

"What's got you all frowning" she asks as she pulls me into her side and ruffles my hair.

"Leah's being mean" I tell her while swatting her hand away.

"Why" she asks and I lean into her side.

"She said I'm a borderline alcoholic and she doesn't want to buy me Irish coffee" I say in a sad tone making her laugh at me.

They're so bloody mean....

"You're just like the Irish but I agree with her about not encouraging your drinking" she says with a laugh.

"You're all bloody wankers" I mumble as I pull away from her and sit down next to Cait.

"What's wrong kiddo" Wally asks.

"Leah's a jackass and won't buy me coffee" I say with a frown before someone ruffles my hair from behind and I swat them away.

"Watch your language and I didn't buy you Irish coffee but I'll buy you some other type of coffee or tea" she says as she sits down next to me and I lean my head on her shoulder.

I'm fiddling with the receipt while they're talking about something concerning the league.

Maybe I should ask AJ to bring me some weed when she comes to visit in a few weeks and also some vodka since my guardian is a goody two shoes who doesn't allow me to drink.

Also, vodka is made out of potatoes so technically it's a vegetable and Leah says I need to eat more of those.

She also says that I should eat more fruit so I could drink some red wine and solve all of the problems.

I really can't defend the weed other than the fact that I won't die from it and it makes my brain go quiet. I like my brain but sometimes I just need it to shut the fuck up for a few hours and the weed does exactly that.

"TJ" I'm brought out of my thoughts by Leah's voice "What were you thinking so hard about" she asks and I shrug.

"Nothing much what's up" I ask her with a questioning voice.

"I was just asking if you were ready to go home" she says so I give her a nod before standing up to throw away the torn up receipt and walking out to the car.


"I don't know how I'm supposed to make it here without the weed AJ" I tell her as we're talking on FaceTime.

"TJ I know it's hard but you can't be getting high now that you're in a professional football team" she says as she's trying to convince me not to go out to buy some.

"I know that but it's hard, my brain won't fucking shut up and it's driving me nuts" I frustratedly tell her.

"Have you conside-" I cut her off before she can even suggest it.

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