Run away 15

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Camp is in 2 days so Leah's starting to bug me about starting to pack my bags and find my stuff so we won't be late. I don't see the rush as it's 2 days away and I can just pack tomorrow evening.

I'm 5 days into my punishment of no TV and I almost got it extended yesterday because I was digging a hole in the garden.

I don't know why I was doing it but it was so much fun and I got pretty deep before Leah came out and ruined my fun.

"TJ" I hear Leah call me so I get out of my bed and go to find her.

"What are you doing" I laugh out as I walk into the laundry room and see her standing on a chair.

"I'm changing the light bulb in the closet since it's broken" I nod at her and jump up on the table to sit down "Can you please hand me the new bulb" she asks me and I hand it to her, having to stand up since I'm too small.

I hate it and I'm not even growing anymore.

She finishes changing it before getting down and taking the chair back to the dining table. I jump off and follow her around since I don't have anything better to do.

"Can we watch a movie" I ask her and she shakes her head "Whyyy, I'm already 5 days in, can't we just skip the last 2 and I'll clean my room instead" I bargain making her look at me with a raised brow.

"You were supposed to clean it 3 days ago so no, but you're welcome to clean it up and pack your bags if you're bored" she says before kissing my head and walking away.

"Ugh, but it's so far away and I don't want to pack, I don't know how to do it" I whine and continue to follow her.

"Yes you do, I've shown you how to do it multiple times and it's in 2 days which isn't that long" Leah says before starting to clean up which is boring so I go to my room.

I decide to start packing since I've got nothing else to do and Leah's being annoying. I start throwing some clean clothes into my suitcase with some training gear and some stuff that I'll need to take with me. After closing the packed suitcase I write a note of the items I still need to pack before going back to the living room and laying down on the sofa.

"I'm almost packed, I just need to pack my everyday items and I wrote a note to remind me" I tell her and just as she's about to answer there's a knock at the door.

I rush past Leah to get it before she does and I rip it open causing it to slam into the wall with a thud.

"TATUM JONES" Leah yells and when I turn around she's right behind me making me give her a sheepish smile "Are you planning on paying for a new door and fixing the wall when you eventually break it" she asks me with a serious look.

"I was just excited to see who it was but I'm not anymore so I'm sorry" I say guiltily and look down when she shakes her head with a sigh.

"You can go to your room if you can't be nice" she says with disappointment.

"Fucking gladly" I mutter under my breath and walk away.

"And watch your language" she sternly says causing me to roll my eyes and give them the finger before running to my room and slamming the door "TATUM, DO NOT SLAM THE BLOOD DOORS" I decide that my best option is to just ignore her.

I put my desk in front of my door and a doorstopper for good measure before lifting up my mattress to get my stuff. I don't know how but I somehow managed to buy some weed when Leah and I went shopping, she was so distracted by the clothes that I managed to quickly sneak away to buy it.

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