We still need her 17

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Leah and I woke up at 7am to get ready for breakfast, in other words, Leah woke me up at the buttcrack of dawn so I'd have enough time to get ready for breakfast.

"What the hell happened to your suitcase, it's like a bomb exploded in it" Leah says as she's helping me find my shorts.

"I packed it myself" I say with a pout, she looks at me and her facial expression soften.

I thought I did a pretty good job...

"I'm sorry kiddo, you did a good job...just keep practicing" she says as she brings me into a hug.

I spot my shorts and pull out of the hug to get them. I put them on before closing my suitcase and walking to the door so we can head to breakfast.

I walk a little ahead of Leah, seeing G, Kei and ms. Muscle in the hallway so I walk up to them.

"What's up kiddo, where's your shirt" ms. Muscle asks.

"I'm wearing a-" I try to say but Leah cuts me off.

"TJ please put your shirt on" she says as she walks over with my shirt and the others laugh.

"I swear I put it on when I was looking for my shorts and shoes" I say with confusion and Leah then hands me my shoes making me give her a sheepish smile.

She puts her arm around my shoulder after I put my shirt on and we walk downstairs along with the other 3. When we get there I see some pancakes with Nutella and go to get some but Leah pulls me back by my shirt.

"No" I go to object "No, you're not getting pancakes with that amount of sugar at 8 in the morning" she sternly tells me and I pout before looking at Beth with pleading eyes and she sends me a wink.

"Fine" I say as I grab a bowl of cereal and walk over to Beth "Can you get me some" I ask her and she smirks before nodding.

"Are you always this sneaky" I shake my head "I'm Ella by the way and this is Alessia" she says with a smile.

"I'm TJ and I'm only sneaky when I'm in trouble" I say like it's no big deal and they look at me confused "Leah doesn't agree with my life choices" I carefully say.

I'm not gonna just tell them straight out...

"Here ya go kid" Beth says as she places a plate full of pancakes with a bunch of Nutella on them in front of me and I give her a hug with a big smile.

I don't waist any time and dig into my pancakes, I know that if Leah catches me I'm in so much trouble, but it's honestly worth it.

"TJ" I look up with my mouth full of pancakes "What the hell do you think you're doing" Leah asks me with a glare and crosses her arms over her chest.

I look at her like a deer in headlights before stuffing the rest of my pancakes in my mouth as she walks over and takes my plate.

"Nophin" I say with a mouth full and a sheepish smile.

"Who gave them to you" she asks and I almost choke on my food as I start laughing.

"I'm not a bloody snitch" I inform her once I've swallowed and stopped laughing.

The girls watch on as the tension between us rises and we glare at each other, both too stubborn for our own good.

"Fine" she says as I smirk "You're running 10 laps around the pitch" she smirks at me as I look at her dumbfounded.

"Now I understand why the coppers said it's worse going home than to jail" I mutter under my breath but clearly, it wasn't quiet enough...

"Excuse you" she raises her eyebrows and stares at me.

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