Pass the ball 9

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I'm with Leah and we're on our way to the airport to pick up AJ. It's been 6 days since I got that lovely little turf burn and it's healing quite nicely so I'm happy about not having to sit out at training for much longer.

"So, have you thought about which national team you're going with" Leah asks me and I let out a groan.

The girls have been bugging me about this ever since they found out that I have a choice.

"Yes I have and no you can't know" I tell her with a little smirk and she frowns at me.

"Why not, it's almost the end of the season and national camp will be in June" she's really trying to convince me...

"I know that but I haven't gotten a call up so I can still torture you for a bit" I laugh out.

We pull up to the airport, I don't give her any time to reply as I quickly get out of the car and sprint into the airport.

I look around for a bit until I finally spot her and run straight up to her before tackling her to the ground.

"I've missed you" I whisper as we lay on the ground.

"TJ get off of me you dope" AJ says with a laugh "I've missed you too though but I'm not really interested in laying on the floor.

I get off and help her up before leading her out to the car where Leah's parked.

"Hey AJ it's nice to see you again" Leah says with a sweet smile.

"Hey Leah, you too" AJ says with a smile and I drag her into the back seat of the car.

"Can I be ungrounded now since I have a somewhat responsible person with me at all times" I ask Leah as she's pulling out of the parking lot.

"Yes" I cheer "BUT" she says.

Why's there always a but?

"I won't hesitate to ground the both of yous if you do something stupid" she says with a stern tone.

"We won't, will we AJ" I say and send AJ a smirk.

"I won't but you on the other hand, I'm not so sure" she says as she grins at me and I send her an offended look.

That bloody bastard.

We have some quiet conversation on the way home but Leah asks a few questions here and there. When we get back I show AJ to my room so she can drop her stuff off and change clothes before going out.

"Look at how sick my turf burn's looking" I say and lift up my shirt to show her.

"You're something else if you think that's sick" she laughs out and I send her a proud smile.

We finish getting ready before I put some water and a ball into my bag and we go back to the living room to tell Leah that we're going out.

"Le" I say as I walk over to her and plop myself onto her lap making her let out a groan "We're going out and yes I have some water in my bag" I say knowingly.

"Oi, I don't want you to get dehydrated because you don't know when to stop" she says, also knowingly.

"It happened once" I groan out which makes the both of them laugh.


AJ and I went to some football field that's about a half an hour from my house and we decided to play a bit since she also remembered to bring her gloves.

"Top left corner" I say as I get ready to take the penalty.

I know she knows me so she'll think I'm bluffing, but I'm not and sure enough, I send a powerful shot straight into the top left corner that she has no chance of saving.

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