Close your legs 21

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"TJ" Leah calls me but I just continue on with trying to get this bloody shot to work.

I'm behind the goal and I'm trying to kick it over it and make it have enough spin on it so that it goes in.

I give it one more shot and I watch as it goes over the goal with enough spin and it just about makes it over the goal line.

"FUCK YEAH YOU BLOODY DICK" I yell as I collapse onto the ground and let out a sigh as I look at the sky "You're a fucking asshole for leaving me here" I mumble out before Leah and Kei lay down on either side of me.

"She didn't leave you kiddo, she's just preparing the place for when you get there after many more years" Kei says as she looks at the sky.

"She's always in your heart TJ and she'll always be watching over you, now she even has the best seat in the house" Leah says while she also looks up at the sky.

"All the players on both teams stopped training to watch your shots, you're amazing and you're going places" Kei says and even though I'm listening, I'm still looking at the sky.

"AJ knew that when Jonas called you, she knew that you had to go and she believed in you and she still does. She sent me a text every day to check up on you and when she thought something was wrong, she always let me know as to make sure that you were okay" Leah says and I stay quiet for a while before standing up.

She never told me that...

"Well it doesn't matter now does it" I laugh out "She's dead and I'm alive, she left me alone in this shit show called life without even one last fucking hug so let's stop this pity party and go back to the shit show shall we" I say as I walk past the rest of the players and go into the changing room.

I quickly get changed so no one can see the scars I so proudly represent and I walk to the dining hall. I grab a plate with some pasta, vegetables and lasagna before sitting down at a table in the corner so that I'm hopefully left alone.

Sadly the U18 team gets to eat with us and what's even worse is that Goldie locks decides to brush past the giant invisible sign above me that says.

Leave me the fuck alone or I'll probably say something mean.

And she plops herself down in the chair that's so close to me that she might as well be sitting on my lap.

"How's your head" she randomly says.

"It's thinking of ways to kill us without anyone finding us before we die" I nonchalantly say while looking at my phone.

"That's nice" is she seriously just here to piss me off?

"Who're you talking to" she asks me and I roll my eyes.

"Your mum, now can you please shut up or fuck off" I say with a hint of irritation.

"I could but I won't" say says and I let out a groan "What would make you feel better" she asks me and this gives me the best chance to scare her off.

"Sex, drugs or alcohol, let me know when you find some" I say whilst smiling at her before my face goes back to being emotionless.

"Sorry but I'm not really interested in that kind of stuff but I'll ask around" she sarcastically says.

"I'm really trying to be nice but you're making it so bloody hard so I'm begging you to please fuck off and leave me alone. Do you honestly like it when people are assholes or are you a masochist" I ask and she looks at me weirdly "Do you get off on being humiliated or hurt by others" I explain.

Trouble just finds me...Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt