MY pen 3

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AJ and I are at the airport waiting for Katie since she'll be responsible for getting me to arsonist safely.

It's too bloody early for this shit so I'm leaning against AJ, half asleep and I'm probably drooling on her shirt.

Who the hell decided that it's a good idea to make a 15 year old get on a plane at 5 in the morning?

"AJ" I groggily get out "Is it too late to get back to your house and go to sleep" I mumble out before throwing my bag on the floor and laying down on it.

"Yes it is and please don't sleep on the bloody floor" she sighs out and I respond with my middle finger before falling asleep.

I get woken up by AJ kicking my legs and when I finally open my eyes I let out a groan and send her a death glare.

"What do you want you wanker" I grumble out before noticing Katie and another woman "Who's the other pedo" I ask as I point at her and earn another kick from AJ.

"Be nice you ass" AJ says, making Katie laugh.

"I'm Ruesha and I'm not a pedo" the other lady, Ruesha, says whilst laughing.

"You know who says that" I ask as I finally stand up "Pedo's" I say before laughing at her expression of disbelief.

"TJ stop it" AJ says sternly in a low voice.

It's time to say goodbye to AJ so I hug her tightly and don't let go until I'm forced to.

I've spent the last 3 years with her and this is the first time we've been apart for longer than a few hours.

Even when she was in a coma, I still spent every day with her and I can't imagine what I'll do without her.

"Are you sure I can't stay" I ask and she nods "Who am I gonna smoke with if you're not there" I ask and she rolls her eyes at me.

"You aren't and that's the point" she says with a little laugh.


"The hell did you say" I ask in disbelief.

"You can't smoke as a professional football player you dope" she says and I'm gobsmacked.

I go to run away but AJ predicted my movements and grabbed the hood of my hoodie almost choking me.

"You're getting on that plane or so help me god I'll bloody kill you myself" she says.

She kisses the top of my head before hugging me once more and then she pushes me into Katie's arms.

Katie puts her hand over my shoulder and traps me against her so I can't run before pulling me away.

I push her hand away as we get to our gate before walking onto the plane and slumping down in my seat.

"So which one of yous arsonist girls got the privilege of having to deal with me" I ask once I'm in a better mood and can actually be bothered to talk to them.

The more I think about it, the more I realise how much of a bitch I am...

Ruesha laughs while Katie mutters something under her breath and looks a bit tired.

Wonder why...

"I don't think it's been decided yet but whoever it is must've drawn the short stick" she says with a smirk.

How rude.

"Don't be rude" Ruesha says and smacks her arm so I send her a smirk.

"If I'm rude then she's nasty" she snaps back with.

Trouble just finds me...Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ