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My fingers gingerly twisted the doorknob, ushering me into a scene that melted my heart. There she lay, my cherished princess, enveloped in the warmth of slumber, a plush panda cradled in her arms.

Her delicate features wore a sweet, innocent expression, with her lips forming an irresistible pout. A surge of emotion swelled within me, witnessing her vulnerability. It was clear that her other hand sought solace between her thighs, a sight that cut deep, stirring a mix of love and longing, threatening to spill tears.

As I approached, her murmured calls of my name reached my ears, accompanied by the tight embrace of the plushie. Despite the jealous twinge, I resisted the urge to snatch away the cotton-filled companion, reminding myself that, as her husband, I deserved to be her ultimate comfort.

It should be me. 

Kneeling beside the bed, a tender smile graced my face. She was unequivocally mine. Tracing the contours of her succulent lips with the pad of my thumb, a dry lump formed in my throat, an overwhelming desire to savor every inch of her.

Leaning in, I found a desperate longing for closeness, a yearning for a tranquility that had eluded me.

Eyes closed, lost in a moment of serenity, her soft, sleepy voice shattered the illusion."Kartik"

I recoiled in embarrassment, meeting her gaze.

"Hm?" I responded, lifting my brows as she squinted in the half-sleep haze, questioning my whereabouts "where were you"

The mention of Kunal's words downstairs about how she was waiting for me and now her question someone left me momentarily flustered.

"Eh-" I stammered, grappling with unexpected emotions as her inquiry hung in the air.

"Well, well, now you've got to face the consequences for what you've done to my wife!" I declared angrily.

"Messing with the monster's heart has its price, and there are going to be repercussions. You see these supposedly lovely pictures of you with the ex-boss of this company? They're enough to ruin you and your image in the co-operate world as well as in the world where no one is going to marry you now."

"Why shouldn't I expose you? The damage is already done; it must be all over social media by now. You're in trouble for messing with what's mine."

"Eh- i" I stammered, trying to figure out what to say. This angelic figure will turn into a vengeful force, and I fear what will happen once she discovered the truth about my actions.

I simulated a yawn, rising to my feet, and abruptly shifted the conversation, "Did you miss me?" I inquired, altering the tone. "That's quite unfortunate," I added, feigning sadness by pursing my lips. Observing her reaction, I could sense her gaze transforming into a glare, indicating an imminent transformation into a monster ready to devour me.

Attempting to defuse the situation, I interrupted her opening words by placing a finger on her lips. "I was just joking, mon amour. Don't be angry," I sighed, relieved when she acquiesced with a roll of her eyes.

The irritation on her face swiftly shifted to excitement as she dropped to her knees, enveloping me in a tight embrace. "I have news!" she squealed.

Curious, I broke the hug and raised an eyebrow, prompting her to share the news. Grinning, she exclaimed, "Humpty-Dumpty is on its way." Perplexed, I frowned and scratched my forehead, seeking clarification. "Who?" I questioned.

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