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Not Ever Again

I never thought I would be calling Buck's place at two in the morning, but here I was, bruised and bloody, punching the buttons in and listening to the phone ring. I kept looking over my shoulder, scared my dad would be there, limping towards me. Someone answered.

"Buck?" I asked, praying that some drunk loser didn't pick up the phone.

"Speaking." An old, irritated voice said.

"Hey, is Dallas there? I need to talk to him. It's urgent." I said, trying not to sound pathetic.

"I think he's upstairs, hold on." Buck said. I tapped my foot on the damp pavement, looking over my shoulder again. I started to get pissed after four minutes had gone by.

"Come on Buck, how long does it take you to walk up the fucking stairs?" I muttered.

"Y/n?" A familiar husky voice said. Relief washed over me and tears pricked my eyes.

"Dal-" I said, taking a shaky breath.

"I need you to come get me please." I whispered.

"What's wrong? Where are you, baby?" He asked, sounding concerned. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down.

"I'll meet you at the lot. Please, please, hurry Dally. I'm scared." I pleaded, looking over my shoulder again.

"Baby, why? Is someone after you? Were you jumped? I swear to god whoever-" I cut Dally off.

"Not now Dallas! Please just pick me up at the lot. I'll explain once I'm with you." I snapped. He sighed and I heard the jingling of keys.

"Okay, I'm on my way. Be careful Y/n," He said.


"And Y/n?" His voice wavered.

"Yeah Dal?" I questioned.

"I love you." He said. I smiled.

"I love you too, Dal." I replied, then I hung up. I sprinted to the lot, not looking behind me. My dad would be out driving around by now, and he wouldn't give up until dawn. My dad hasn't been this angry in a long time, but when he figured out that I was dating Dallas Winston he went off. His alcohol and rage was a disgusting, deadly combination. He had grabbed me by the neck and slugged me, sending me smashing onto the oak floor. Steel toe boots to the ribs had gotten old, so I threw one of my mom's old vases at him. He had it. I didn't even have time to grab a jacket, I booked it out the front door, nearly face planting off of the porch steps, and I ran into the night. His yells had faded, but I kept running, scared of the fate I might meet if I had stopped.

 I reached the lot, and waited, watching both ways for headlights. A few moments later a truck came around the corner. My stomach churned, and I ran into the road, a car nearly hitting me. The driver slammed on the brakes, and Dally got out of the car.

"What the fuck are you doing? I could have killed you Y/n!" Dally exclaimed angrily.

I put my hand on his chest.

"Dally not now we need to go." I said, pushing him back towards the car.

"No, what is going on? And who the fuck is he?" He asked, putting his hand over mine and pointing. I turned around stiffly to watch my dad get out of his truck.

"We need to go. Please Dal, we need to leave now." I begged. Dally's brown eyes met mine and his gaze softened.

"You're running from your dad, aren't you?" He asked quietly. He must have put the pieces together in his head. The fingerprint bruises on my wrist and neck, the flinching when one of the boys grabbed me by surprise, the requests that he let me walk home alone, spending nights in the lot with Johnny. His jaw tensed, and he pushed me behind him.

"Y/n. Get in the truck before I drag you into it." My dad said, stepping forward. I clutched Dally's hand, still trying to tug him back into the car.

"No. You're not laying a finger on her. Not ever again." Dally said, his eyes filled with pure rage. My dad smirked at this.

"You must be Dallas Winston. The delinquent that's always calling my house and playin' my daughter. You don't get a say in what I do." My dad spit. This was my worst nightmare come true.

"She doesn't deserve the way you treat her. She's going to pack up her stuff, and she's going to stay with me from now on. And you're going to leave her alone." Dally said, holding my hand tight. There was no fear in his voice, he was making a statement. Dally wasn't scared. When he loved someone, he'd give the world to save them.

"Your funny kid. Y/n get in the fucking truck." My dad said. I clung to Dal's arm, tears streaming down my face.

"She's not getting in the truck." Dallas replied for me.

"Don't fuck with me kid. Y/n get in the truck." My dad demanded. Dally let go of me then and strode forward, coming chest to chest with my father.

"Are you deaf old man? She's not getting in the fucking truck!" Dally yelled in his face. My dad threw a punch, but Dally caught his fist and twisted his arm. My dad yelled in pain.

"I'll fucking kill you, you goddamn greaser." My dad growled. Dally laughed.

"You can try old man." He retorted, kneeing him in the stomach. My dad fell to his knees, clutching his stomach. Dally then hauled his fist back and punched my dad in the face, knocking him out cold. Then he grabbed the keys out of my dad's truck and jogged over to me.

"Let's get you outta here." He said, opening the passenger door for me. I stood on my tip toes and kissed him.

"Thank you Dal. You're my hero." I said. Dally smiled.

"You showed me love. You're the only reason I'm still alive Y/n. If anything, you saved me." He said, kissing my forehead. I slid into the passenger seat.

"I love you Dal." I said, tears in my eyes.

"I love you more Y/n." He said, shutting the car door.

I moved out of my dad's house after that. I didn't talk to him, or go around my old house. I stayed with Dally, and eventually me and Dally were able to buy a house. And I was finally happy.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐮𝐭𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 ~ 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬/𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now