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The Power of Love

I don't know why I agreed to go to the drive-in with the gang. Things had been awkward since me and Sodapop had broken up. I was sick of him flirting with girls at the DX, and he was sick of me being mad at him for flirting with them.

"It's part of the fucking job Y/n!" He claimed.

"You're not a fucking prostitute Soda! Your job is to fix their cars, not to be a flirt!" I had replied.

I missed Soda, and his warm, contagious smile. He wasn't only my boyfriend, but my best friend, my lifeline. I sat between Pony and Darry, and Soda was on the other side of Darry. Every now and then Soda would whisper to him, and I would look at him every time. His gentle blue eyes were sad and dark in the night. I tried to focus on the movie, and found it blurring as tears filled my eyes. I couldn't sit here and pretend I was okay with Soda just a seat away. I apologized to Darry, and got up, slipping past him, Soda, and Steve, then I speed walked down the steps and towards the exit of the drive-in. People gave me odd looks as I passed, clutching myself with tears pouring down my cheeks. I got to a bench and collapsed onto it, burying my face in my hands. I felt a vibration on the bench, but I didn't look. Then someone put their hand on my knee. At first, I thought it was Darry. But he wouldn't be comfortable touching me without my consent. I Peered out of my hands to find Soda sitting next to me, watching me with a sad look on his face. More tears welled up in my eyes and I covered my face once more.

"Oh Soda," I cried, not knowing why I had even spoken. My heart longed for him, for his touch, for his kiss. He pulled me into his arms and held me.

"Don't," I said, trying to pull away.

"You'll only make me long for you more," I finished. He held me against his chest tightly. I didn't fight back this time.

"I'm sorry, Y/n." He said, his chin resting on my head.

"I shouldn't have been flirting with worthless broads when I have you. You are the only girl I want Y/n. I can't get you out of my head. I long for your touch, for your lips on mine. Seeing you and not being able to wrap my arms around you ruins me. Without you, I'm not myself. You're the missing part of me, and I need you to be complete. I'm sorry I hurt you. The truth is I love you. I want to give you the whole world. I may not be able to now, but someday I will. I promise." His little speech brought tears to my eyes and I grasped his flannel.

"I shouldn't have been so jealous, Soda. I'm sorry. I just see all of these beautiful girls flirting with you, and trying to be with you, and I worry that you'll realize that you want to be with one of them, and not me. I long for you all day and all night, and I hate having to see you so sad. I'm sorry Soda. I love you too, and you don't need to give me the world, you are my world. Without you life isn't worth living." I replied, pulling away to gaze up at him. A tear slips down his cheek and I wipe it away.

"Can we start over?" He asks.

"Yes. And this time, we won't break up." He grinned at me.

"I love you, angel." He said.

"I love you more, Pepsi Cola." I replied. He leaned down and kissed me, a passionate, gentle kiss. One full of longing and heartbreak. I would never let Soda go again. He was the love of my life, and I was his, and we needed each other to survive. I wouldn't give up on each other again. We could get through anything. That was the power of love.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐮𝐭𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 ~ 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬/𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now