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I don't Drink

WARNING: Violence, Blood, and death.⚠

Dual POV


I stood in the corner of Buck's place, regretting my decision. I could have spent the evening with Pony and Johnny at the Nightly Double. But instead I decided to take up Dally's offer. He was probably hooking up with some broad now. I sighed. Someone tapped on my shoulder and I looked over to find Two-Bit at my side. He held a beer out to me. I looked down at the sweaty, brown bottle, the sound of a bottle smashing ringing in my ears. I shook my head, stuffing my hands into the pockets of my jeans.

"I don't drink." I stated. His eyebrows lifted, and he popped the cap off and took a swig.

"Why not?" He asked, gazing at me with ease. I hated this question, it brought me back to the nights with my drunk parents. The yelling, the swearing, and then glass shattering. My mother was on the floor, her temple bloody. Two years after that my dad died of liver failure. I was left alone. I took a shaky breath.

"I just don't." I said sternly, then I squeezed through the crowd and outside. I began my walk home, thinking about Two and his sweet smile. It wasn't very nice of me to leave him standing there, but alcohol was a touchy subject for me. A subject that made my stomach churn with unease. I laid in bed, tears streaming down my cheeks. I couldn't let my past haunt me forever.


Y/n turned and disappeared into the crowd, not looking back. I stood around for about half an hour after that, then I decided to head to the Curtis house. I got inside and hung my jacket on a chair in the dining room. It was disheartening to see that Y/n wasn't in the living room with Pony, Johnny, and Darry.

"Hey Two." Pony and Johnny said in unison. I gave them a respective nod. They went back to their card game. I sat next to Darry. He looked at me curiously.

"What's got you down?" He asked, folding his newspaper up and setting it on the side table.

"Do you know why Y/n doesn't drink?" I asked, hoping he knew. Darry was good friends with Y/n, he had had classes with her in highschool. Y/n was my age, she was two years younger than Darry, but she was older than all of the other boys. She kept to herself, and was kind of shy around the gang. She was closest with Me, Darry, and Dally. I had always worried that she had liked Dally or Darry, they were good looking fellas, and they could be real charmers. But something in me knew that she at least was into me a little. She gazed at me like I was the only boy in the world when I talked.

"Yeah. It's a sensitive subject for her. Her parents were alcoholics." He said, sitting up. That would explain it.

"Her dad killed her mom one night, when he was wasted. He died a few years later." Darry said, looking me in the eye. I chastised myself for being so insensitive.

"Why do you ask?"

I bit my lip and looked down at Johnny's hand of cards.

"I might have made her upset," I said, running a hand through my hair.

"How so?" Darry asked.

"I offered her a drink, to which she told me she doesn't drink, and I, being the fool I am, asked her why." I said, putting my head in my hands. Darry patted me on the back.

"I'm sure she's not mad. She just needs time. She likes you a lot. Just talk to her, apologize. It'll be alright." Darry said. I sat up and smiled at him.

"Thanks man," I said. He smiled.

I had bigger plans than apologizing, I was going to surprise Y/n.


I waited a few days before I went to the Curtis house. I just needed to clear my head. I needed to stop overthinking. I walked to the Curtis house, stepping inside, the familiar chatter lulling my anxiety. I walked around the corner and into the living room. Darry was the first to see me, he smiled and got up, emptying the seat next to Two. My heart skipped a beat. I sat down next to him, and he turned to me, smiling. I returned his smile. I noticed that Two didn't have a beer in his hand. They must have run out. He leaned in and whispered in my ear.

"I have something to tell you," he said. I looked at him curiously, then he stood, pulling me up with him. We walked towards the door, and Darry waved at me, grinning. I was starting to get a little nervous. He sat down on the bench of the porch, and I sat down next to him. He held my two hands in his. I gazed up at him.

"I wanted to apologize about the other night," He began, searching my eyes for some sort of emotion.

"What I said was insensitive, and I'm sorry. I shouldn't have questioned you. The truth is that I like you a lot Y/n, and I just want to make you smile. I understand that you've been through a lot. I want to help you be happy. I was wondering if maybe you'd want to be my girl?"

Joyous tears filled my eyes, and I hugged him tightly.

"I'd love to be your girl Two." I said, my voice muffled against his shirt. When we pulled away we were both grinning.

"I have one last thing to tell you," He said. He stood and went inside, then came back out with a little chalkboard with four lines on it. He handed it to me. I looked down at it confused.

"This is to count how many days I've been clean," He said, resting his chin on my shoulder.

I looked at him, still not quite sure what he meant.

"I'm quitting drinking Y/n. I don't want to be a monster. I don't want to be someone that hurts you." He said. I looked up at him in shock.

"Really?" I managed. He smiled at me.

"Really." He replied. I kissed him, cupping his face. He smiled into the kiss, holding my waist. I pulled away.

"Oh Two, that's brilliant! Thank you!" I exclaimed, more happy tears falling. I kissed him again.

"I love you Y/n." He said when we pulled away once again.

"I love you more, Two." I replied, kissing his cheek.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐮𝐭𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 ~ 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬/𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now