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He Grinned down at me.

"Hey Little Lady," He said. My breath caught in my throat. I felt ridiculous in my over sized t-shirt and my old jean shorts. This was the man that was working on my roof? He had muscles like superman, and he was the most handsome man in all of Tulsa.

"Hi," I sputtered like an idiot. His smile grew wider. My beagle tugged at the leash, trying to sniff the man's jeans.

"Dexter, no." I said, giving the leash a slight tug. The man kneeled down and looked up at me.

"Can I pet him?" He asked. I nodded. He pet Dexter, rubbing his thumb on the dog's velvety ears. I smiled. The man stood back up.

"Well, we're going to get to work. It should only take a day or two." He said.

"Alright, Let me know if you need anything. I'm Y/n by the way." I introduced myself at the last minute. He shook my hand gently.

"Darry." He replied. I smiled. He turned around and walked over to his fellow workers who elbowed him and smacked him on the shoulder. They were laughing and teasing him. Darry looked over his shoulder at me, his eyes running up and down my body. I turned around and picked Dexter up, going inside. I hoped that Darry wasn't the gross, catcalling type. The next morning when I was leaving my house Darry yelled to me. I turned to look at him, tucking my keys into the pocket of my blazer. He was already shirtless and sweating, despite the cool morning air.

"Hey. Where are you headed?" He asked, playing with the white tank top balled up in his hand. Normally I would tell any guy asking where I was going to buzz off, but I could tell Darry didn't have bad intentions.

"I'm headed to work." I said, digging the toe of my navy blue converse into the cracked pavement. He licked his lips, and smiled.

"When do you get home?" He questioned. I relaxed and smiled back.

"Six sharp." I responded, twirling a finger up in my hair. He nodded.

"Can I take you out tonight?" My stomach flipped at the question. I bit the inside of my cheek, holding back the huge smile trying to creep onto my face.

"You can." He took my hand and pulled me close. I gazed up into his blue-green eyes.

"I'll pick you up at eight." He said, kissing my hand.

"I can't wait." I replied, blushing. He let go of my hand reluctantly, and I turned and walked away, feeling his eyes on me as I got farther and farther away. 

My day dragged by, and when seven fifty rolled around I was smoothing my black dress down. I did a little twirl, enjoying how it fanned out around me. I smiled at myself, then picked Dexter up and gave him a kiss on the head. Then there was a knock at the door. I set Dexter down in his bed and went to the door, smoothing the skirt of my dress once more. I opened the door, and the breath was ripped from my lungs. There stood Darry, in black dress pants and a black button up, a bouquet of roses in his hand. He looked like he had just fallen from heaven. He looked me up and down and smiled.

"Wow, Y/n, you look gorgeous." He said. When my breath returned I grinned.

"You look handsome." I said. His smile grew wider and he looked down at the roses.

"These are for you," He said, holding them out to me. I took them from him and invited him in. I got a vase and filled it full of cool water. I set the vase full of flowers in the center of my dining room. Darry greeted Dexter, and then he led me out to his truck. He opened the passenger door for me, and I kissed his cheek and thanked him. He closed the door and walked around to the driver's side, running a hand through his curly brown hair. After a few minutes of silent driving I decided to speak.

"Where are we going?" I asked, turning to look at him. He glanced at me and smiled, and I was mesmerized by his endless charm.

"It's a surprise." He said, focusing on the road once more.

"Can't you tell me?" He smirked at my question.

"It wouldn't be much of a surprise if I told you, darlin'." He replied. I smiled at the nickname. It was better than 'doll' by far. After a few minutes of driving he pulled up to a building covered in neon tube lights. I got out of the truck, gazing up at the vibrant colors. Darry put an arm around my waist and led me inside. We were jutted into a crowd of dancing couples. I looked down at me and smiled. I cracked my knuckles, watching one couple move with ease. I took a deep breath of the excited, lust filled air. I loved dancing, I had always wanted to take dance classes, but I wasn't very good at it. Darry held his hand out to me, and nodded towards the crowd of dancing people.

"Darry, I-I can't-" He cut me off by shaking his head.

"You can. Follow my lead, and let the music move you." He took my hand and pulled me into the crowd. He started to move to the music, and I watched him, impressed by how elegant he looked. I looked at other girls, trying to get an idea of what to do. They were all moving differently, caught up in the song. Darry moved close to me, resting his hands firmly on my hips.

"Move your hips in a swaying motion. Bend your knees, and move with me." He took one of my hands and put it on his side. I began to move with him. Our bodies were close, heat radiating off us, warming one another. He spun me, keeping his hands on my hips. Eventually I was able to move without thinking, I could just get lost in the song, and in the feeling of Darry's chest against my back. He spun me back around to face him.

"Where'd you learn how to dance?" I asked, resting my palms on his shoulders.

"My mom taught me. She liked to play her old records, and I was the only one old enough to remember the moves. My brothers didn't have much interest in dancing." He gazed down at me, and his grasp on me tightened.

"I love dancing. It's so freeing," I said, and Darry's face lit up.

"I agree. It's a good way to express feelings." After Darry's statement he dipped me, fanning me out in a circle before picking me back up. Our faces were only a couple inches apart now. Darry's gaze moved back and forth between my eyes and my lips. I closed the gap between us and kissed him. I cupped his face, and he pulled me closer. When we pulled away he smiled.

"You're magnificent," He breathed.

"So are you." I replied, causing him to grin. I knew then that Darry was the right person for me. And I knew he thought the same about me. Darry was the love of my life. And I had never thought that on the first date before. Darry was perfect, and he was mine.

I wasn't sure how to end this one, but I hope you enjoyed it! :)

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐮𝐭𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 ~ 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬/𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now