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He made a Mistake

I kneeled down next to Ponyboy, lifting his head off the pavement. His jaw was bleeding a bit from the cut the Socs had left, but it would be simple to fix up.

"Oh Pony." I whispered. He looked up at me, tears in his eyes. Soda kneeled down next to him too.

"They ain't gonna hurt you no more." He said, eying his brother's wound.

Darry came over and pulled Pony up. We began the walk home. Darry was lecturing Pony, telling him he needed to start using his head. Steve joined in then.

"What the hell were you even doin' walking all by your lonesome?" He asked angrily. Pony glared up at him.

"It's none of your business." Pony replied.

"None of my goddamn business?! Look at my nose!" Steve said, pointing at his bloody nose. I sighed.

"Yeah, it's huge." Ponyboy replied. Me and Two had trouble containing our laughter.

"Why I oughta-" Steve began but I stepped in.

"Leave him alone, Stevie. The poor kid has to watch his back wherever he goes. So he made a mistake walking home alone. Next time I'll go with him." I said. Steve squinted at me.

"Cause you're going to fight off the Socs? I don't think so, Y/n." Steve said. My jaw tensed and I took a step forward.

"I can't fight Socs cause I'm a girl? Is that it, Steve?" Soda stepped between us.

"Everyone just needs to calm down." He said.

"You and Pony are alike. We'll be saving both of your asses next time." Steve said. My eyes began to sting.

"You're a real asshole Steve Randle. Picking on Pony. I oughta break your nose. I can take care of myself. I don't need a guy, especially not one like you." I said. Steve's jaw dropped, and I grabbed Pony.

"Let's get you fixed up." I said, taking him inside.

I dabbed alcohol on Ponyboy's wound. He hissed in pain.

"Sorry, almost done." I said. He looked up at me, his golden eyes teared up again. I felt my own eyes start to sting again.

"I'm sorry about Steve. He gets all riled up about stupid things. He gets it from his father." I said, grabbing a band aid and ripping the packaging open.

"I hate being the kid brother, Y/n." Pony said. I put the band aid over his cut.

"I understand. But Pony, you're peaceful. And you're smart. You don't do anything that will get you killed or in trouble, you use your head. Even if the gang doesn't see that." I told him, kissing his cheek. He smiled at me.

"Thank you Y/n. For everything. You're the big sister I have always wanted." He said, hugging me. I held him tightly, my heart weeping with joy. He pulled away, and his gaze shifted to behind me.

"I'll see ya later, okay?"

I watched him go, and then turned around to find Steve standing in the doorway. I turned away and put the wrapper of the band aid into the trash, then I threw the bloody cotton balls away. I washed my hands, and felt two strong arms wrap around my stomach. Steve laid his head on my shoulder blade. I hated the butterflies that erupted in my stomach. I hated the love I had for him. I clutched the sides of the sink, tears falling into the sink silently.

I loved Steve, with all of my heart. But he could be really cruel, and he would shatter my heart and then come back and hold me, apologizing and moving on like nothing ever happened. That could really get to someone. I loved Steve but I was sick of putting the pieces of my shattered heart back together just to have him break it again. I stood up straight and he let go. I turned to face him. He looked at me sadly.

"This needs to stop," I said, wiping my eyes. He took both of my hands in his, running his thumbs over my knuckles.

"You are mean to Pony, you are mean to me, you need to stop Steve. You can't just come back and hold me and move on, that doesn't fix things. You hate your dad, and the way he is, and yet you let his rage take over you, and you act like him. Be better than what you come from Stevie." I said, he gazed at me, a tear slipping down his cheek.

"I'm sorry Y/n. I really am, I love you, and I'm trying to be better but it's just so hard. I care about Pony, I don't want him getting killed. I just don't know how to express it without anger. I think you're real tough, and I'm sorry I called you weak. I just don't want you gettin' hurt. I'd never forgive myself if the Socs got you. I don't want to lose you." He said, intertwining his fingers with mine. He rested his forehead against mine and sighed.

"I want to help you. I love you, Stevie. That will never change." He slid his hands around my waist, pulling me close. He kissed me then, and I snaked my arms around his neck. When we pulled apart I smiled.

"I'm going to change for the better. For you." He promised, giving me a quick peck on the lips.

"Thank you. And I'm here to support you and help you, always." I replied. I knew he would keep his promise, because he cared about me, Pony, and the whole gang. He would be better. And I would help him, and love him forever.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐮𝐭𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 ~ 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬/𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now