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The boy's preferred Nicknames for you:

Darry: Darlin' , Angel  ~  He thinks of you as an angel that saved him in hard times, and Darlin' is what his father used to call his mom, so he uses the nickname for you because he knows you will be together forever.

🖤Dally: Doll, Baby ~  Doll is what he has always called you, and he knows you like it. He calls you baby as a way of telling other people that your his.

💛Soda: Sweetheart, Princess ~  He calls you sweetheart because he thinks you're sweet and he knows you have a good heart. He calls you princess because he finds you extraordinary, and he will do anything for you.

🩷Two-Bit: Dollface, Beautiful ~  He calls you Dollface because you are pretty and sweet. And he calls you beautiful because of the way it makes you smile, and he thinks you're beautiful.

💚Steve: Hot Stuff, Babe ~ Steve likes to call you Hot Stuff because it makes you blush, and he clearly finds you attractive and likes to let you know. He calls you Babe because it lets people know your his and he likes the way it makes you grin.

💙Johnny: Cutie, Love ~ He calls you cutie because he thinks your adorable, and the nickname suits you. Johnny likes to call you love because you are the love of his life and he wants to make sure you know.

🧡Pony: Sweets, Sunshine ~ Pony enjoys calling you sweets because he thinks your Sweet and its just a nickname he picked up that he thought explained you well. He calls you Sunshine because you are his Sun, and he loves sunsets as much as he loves you. (Which is a lot :] )

What you call the boys:

Darry: Superman, Lover boy, Darlin'  ~ He likes it when you call him Superman because it makes him feel strong, and he has always wanted to be someones hero. He adores when you call him Lover boy because he finds it endearing, and it makes him smile. He loves when you call him Darlin' because you try to copy the way he says it and he finds it adorable.

🖤Dally: Dal, Lovey, Stud ~ He likes when you call him Dal because the way you say it is much more beautiful and different from the way everyone else says it.  He enjoys when you call him Lovey because he has never had anyone call him a truly loving nickname, and it makes him feel loved. He loves when you call him Stud because it makes him smile, and he knows your calling him hot.

💛Soda: Pepsi-Cola, Handsome, Lover  ~  He pretends to hate it when you call him Pepsi-Cola, but he really likes it because you make it sound so endearing. If anyone else called him Pepsi-Cola he'd have a fit. He loves it when you call him handsome because it makes him feel special. Yes, he gets compliments from girls all the time, but when the compliments come from you they mean the world to him. He absolutely adores when you call him Lover because it shows him that you are his, and you only want to be his. It makes him smile.

🩷Two-Bit: Honey, Love bug, Baby Doll  ~  Two likes when you call him Honey because he thinks it's sweet, and it makes him grin. Two likes to say he dislikes the nickname Love bug but secretly he enjoys it, he things you sound cute when you say it. Sometimes he gets annoyed when you call him baby doll in front of the boys because the boys laugh, and he thinks it makes him sound less manly, but when you do it when no one else is around it makes him blush and grin.

💚Steve: Stevie, Hunk, Baby  ~  Steve enjoys when you call him Stevie because it's a nickname only you call him, and the way you say it makes him happy. He also likes when you call him Hunk because he likes being called tough, it boosts his confidence, and he likes the idea of you thinking of him as a big, handsome and tough guy. He likes when you call him baby because no one has ever called him that in a romantic way before.

💙Johnny: Love, Angel, Beautiful Boy  ~  He likes when you call him love because he likes the way you say it, and it tells him that he is your love. When you call him Angel he always denies it, even thought he loves it, because he sees you as an angel that came into his life and helped him when he needed it most. He loves the nickname because it reminds him about how he saved you too. Johnny loves when you call him Beautiful Boy, and it makes him blush because you are the only girl that has complimented him, and it makes him the happiest boy in the world.

🧡Pony: Prince Charming, Sunshine, My Boy  ~ Pony likes when you call him Prince Charming because it makes him smile and blush, and he adores the idea of being your Prince. He likes when you call him Sunshine because he loves sunsets, and it makes him feel handsome. He loves when you call him My Boy because it makes him feel important and he likes the idea of him being yours and you being his.  

I am giving Preferences a try. Let me know if you enjoyed this! :)

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