The Test Part 3

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Mirio used his quirk to phase through the robots attacks and also phase through the walls to be able to sneak up from behind the robots to destroy them, Nejire kept hitting the robots with her quirk to make them either hit the walls (not the one Mirio currently uses), and Tamaki kept using his various physical characteristics to smash the robots. With the last three robots standing The Big Three smirked and got into their battle stance ready to execute their plan.

"Ready to perform the grand finale guys?" asked Mirio.

"More then ready Mirio!!!!!!!!" Nejire and Tamaki answered.

Then they all ran off and let the robots chase them. As the robots were searching for The Big Three they had no idea that they walked right into their trap.

"Psst." a voice said above them.

The robots looked up and saw Nejire and Tamaki crouching down on some beams on the ceiling and just saw Mirio's face as he phased into it.

"NOW!!!!!" Mirio exclaimed.

Then The Big Three jumped down as Mirio punched one robot on the head causing it to be shattered into a million pieces, Nejire blasted one robot away with a wave motion causing it to crash into the wall and Tamaki grabbed the last robot with an octopus tentacle and throwing it the ground causing it to be broken into a million pieces.

Mei kept using her new raygun to shoot the robots which kept making them explode and everytime a robot tried to grab her from afar she used her quirk to see them and blast them away. When she saw other robots destroyed she looked around with a very confused look on her face.

"Hmmmmmmmmmm....... I could've sworn that their was one more robot here." said Mei confusingly as she had her fingers on her chin.

She then used her zoom quirk to find it just to be sure that she was right. Then she smirked as she saw it trying to sneak up on her.

"Ha nice try bitch." she said.

She quickly charged at it, jumped up and hit the robot her raygun causing it to explode into a million pieces.

The other two students in the general studies course were doing a very good job with destroying the robots. They had very good skills, coordination and teamwork.

As for the five brats well they were not doing so good. In fact to their surprise of absolutely nobody those five brats were fucking failing epically!!!!!!!!! They just went up to the robots with nothing but their quirks without even thinking how they were gonna use them against the robots, had no coordination whatsoever, came up with no plan to defeat them, offered no help to the others and took no help from them either. In fact when Aoyama destroyed a robot that was gonna grab Katsuki he didn't even fucking thank him!!!!!!!! He just yelled at him saying that he shouldn't have helped him and that he had it making Aoyama regret his decision to rescue him and think that he should've left that robot to destroy him.

Meanwhile back at the observation room everyone there was watching the test go down and they had to admit they were very impressed with them....... well most of them.

"Damn Izuku your friends are really fucking good!!!!!!!" exclaimed Blitz with an impressed smile.

"I'am not surprised when we were little they would always train hard and when they were not busy they would train me to fight even though I didn't have a quirk even when Bitchumi, the Bakuhoe and Todohoeki twins would hurt them when they caught them some days and I can also tell that Uncle Shota, Auntie Emi, Uncle Hizashi, Auntie Nemuri and the other pro heroes trained them very well." Izuku said with an impressed.

"Oh that's not our doing." said Present Mic.

"That's all them." Midnight said.

"Yeah your aunt and me saw the skill and heroes heart they had and knew that they have what it takes to be hero so we knew that they would do this amazing." said Aizawa.

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