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As Nerezza went out she quickly started finding for Haebara. Don't tell me that couple sneaked out to have their lovey dovey moments. She laughed creepily knowing that she will find them and ruin their moment. Walking around the hallway, she tried searching for at least any of her men.

She looked at one corner and couldn't believe what she saw. Oh my god nooo. She thought. Quickly she went ahead to that place trying to run a bit elegantly knowing people would look at her.

"WHAT THE HELL, HYUNTAE. WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE??". she whisper shouted to him.

"Ium jmust habbing sbome cbake ". Hyuntae replied with his mouth full of cake.

"Huh? Oh you mean you are having cake, YOU DONKEY FACED SHIT I CAN SEE THAT BUT HOW DARE YOU EAT-." Nerezza was stopped midway her sentence when Jung wang standing next to Hyuntae forced a piece of cake in her mouth.

"WHAT- Ohh it's actually nice". Nerezza said biting the cake, quickly realizing why she came here she finished eating her cake and looked at them dead in the eyes

"What did I tell you guys to do? To look after us right. Where did you both menaces disappear??." She said holding their ears and twisting it.

"Hey ow ow hey let it go you grandma, leave it". Hyuntae and Jung wang said trying to get rid of her fingers from their ears

"You and KIM were fighting like kids. It was getting quite annoying so we both decided to leave. Then we got hungry and found this place. Beomsu and Seuno are over there look". JUNG WANG said pointing to the other corner where the other two idiots were filling up their plate with whatever they saw was edible. Their plate was already overflowing with colorful things.

"Goshh!! Did I get kids as my men." She said face palming herself.

"Oh you don't say that, god the way you both were arguing". Hyuntae said making a annoyed face.

"Whatever , did you see Haebara, I've been searching for her".Nerezza said

"Oh yea she just went to the washroom, that way." He said pointing the way .

"Eat fast you human pigs, we will leave after this. People might think that I don't even feed you people." She said and walked away.

Just as she left the pair started gobbling up all the delicious things their hands could reach. They could see people side eye them, but do they care? Hell nah.

Nerezza walked towards the washroom and decided to wait out till Haebara comes, she never really liked going to washrooms in public or anywhere out. That thought irked her. Just as she was waiting she heard things which she was actually not supposed to, a smirk dancing on her face now

"Did you see the way that bitch broke the dress code? Nobody even questioned her." The first voice said.

"Yeaa like what the hell we were thrown out the last year just because our dress shade was not proper blue'. The second voice said.

"We are more prettier than that bitch, I just looked at her face and got to know that she had tons of makeup smothered." The first voice said.

"We must show that egoistic woman her place, and it will happen today". The second one said laughing a bit at the end.

"Oh so your boyfriend will give her the drink?. "The first voice said excited.

"Yea he will mix the viagara and give it to her. Then she will make a fool out of herself in front of everyone." Said the second one.

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