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"What you can see it??!!" Nerezza asked with a gasp.

"Yes of course i can. But what the fuck is that Mint?" Taehyung asked.

"That, is the book I saw that day, you didn't believe me when I said you. This was the same book that old lady had"
Nerezza said.

"What?" Taehyung asked in disbelief.

The pair stood in deep confusion as they stared at the creepy book laying on top of Nerezza's clothes.

Nerezza had reached early in the morning and decided to take some of her unused clothes out, just when she had opened the suitcase ,the girl screamed in horror and fell back looking at the same book inside her luggage.

Hyuntae who was right outside her room, had ran inside instantly. He first looked at the horrified girl and ran to her.

He looked at her pointing at something on her suitcase but there was literally nothing. He kept declining there was nothing and Nerezza had enough. She told him it was some big insect and walked away leaving a confused Hyuntae.

"Morning when I showed it to Hyuntae he couldn't see it" Nerezza mumbled under her breath.

"What is it doing here?" Taehyung asked.

Just then as though the realization dawned upon her, the girl shivered in fear as she remembered what the actual fuck was happening. Nor her or Taehyung could do this, fuck she didn't even see that book after that one night.

It was starting to get very much weird to them, things were now not making any sense.

"Just what in the hell is even happening in our life?" Taehyung asked.

"I don't know Tae, and only us seeing this book. It actually creeps me out." Nerezza said.

"Go bring it here, let's see what is inside"
Taehyung said while pushing the girl behind him to the front.

"What the fuck? Kim fucking Taehyung. I'm no where going near that book. You go" Nerezza said while again going back and pushing Taehyung front.

The cycle repeated as the pair kept going back and front, now with final push Taehyung stood in front of the book.
Not having any other choice, he shakily forwarded his hands towards the book.
He touched the book slightly with his fingers and pulled back with a jerk.

"Yaah what the hell Kim Taehyung? You are a mafia god. You can do this." Nerezza said.

Taehyung frowned when he heard her voice from a bit far, he turned around and looked at her in disbelief when he found her standing right near the door, her position which looked like she was ready to Sprint away any moment.

"I thought you were standing behind me."
Taehyung said in disbelief.

Nerezza smiled sheepishly at him before going and standing behind him like before. This time Taehyung tried to take the book with all his might as he touched it and shut his eyes close waiting for any impact.

The pair opened their eyes after a while, seeing that nothing had happened they sighed in relief. Taehyung huffed before trying to open the book.

To their surprise the book did not open at all, it was as though stuck with glue. But Nerezza remembered the old lady reading it.

She plucked the book from his hands and tried opening it, which still didn't open at her strength.

"I saw the old lady reading from this though. Why is it not opening now?"
Nerezza asked in frustration.

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