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Oh shit, no. Nerezza thought as she watched the wagon reverse back , quickly picking out her pocket knife Nerezza aimed it at the tires of the car.

She swinged the knife perfectly aiming at the car's tire, it blast out with a loud voice as the car wiggled a bit. But that didnt stop the person from driving away.

Just as Nerezza was about to chase the car, she was pulled back by someone. Upon looking up she saw Haebara staring at her sternly, she tried pulling her arms away but Haebara didn't let go.

By now even the three men rushed out of the cafe hearing the tire burst sound. They all gathered around Jung wang who later explained them everything.

"Haebara leave me! That car has been following us since the start. I need to know who it is".Nerezza struggled to get out of her grip but the grip only tightened.

"Park NEREZZA, you know we are heading to kim's house, you think it will be good if you go with your body filled with bruises.
I know how your job is but Nerezza it's about our family ".Haebara said in a soft tone, she had known how frustrated Nerezza was because of this new person.

"I'm extremely sorry bara, I literally forgot that, damn where are my manners"Nerezza said feeling guilty.

She had come up with the mindset to impress Taehoon's parents and now because of her anger issues she could have lost that. As far as she knew the Kim's parents don't like their children ever getting hurt. Everytime Haebara and Nerezza would finish talking with their parents, they would always say Don't do any blood donation guys, please take care.

"It's fine Nez, I understand your situation it must be hard"Haebara said looking at Nez softly

"I'm not doing this to protect myself bara, I don't want them to find my weakness"she said and gazed at Taehyung for a matter of seconds before looking back at Haebara" I don't want them to harm you, or our loved ones. You have a new life to start bara".

"Nez, I know I have a life to start but what about you, you too need to be careful for us" Haebara said reassuringly.

"Sure I will be grandma"Nerezza said smiling at her

"Yaaahh I'm not a grandma." Haebara said crossing her hands over her chest.

"Indeed you are" Nerezza said before going towards Taehyung's car and sitting inside.

'What did I do wrong while raising her"?
Haebara said while rubbing her hands on her forehead.

"Oww what the hell? "She asked to Hyuntae who had just smacked her on the head.

"Stop acting like a real grandma now and get in and here take it" Hyuntae said and forced a cup of Frappuccino in her hand and gave the other cup to Jung wang.

Haebara cursed at him and walked towards the door followed by a chuckling Taehoon.  Taehyung looked at the Choco mint ice cream inside the bag, holding it tightly he walked towards his car with a smile.

Nerezza was already sitting in the car, seeing her phone. Just then she smelt something as Taehyung came in like a dog sniffing things, she sniffed the smell coming from the cover in his hold.
A huge smile displayed on her face

Too bright, too damn bright. Taehyung thought. Hyuntae had seen the choco mint ice cream in the store and told about how Nerezza had a mad obsession towards those toothpaste flavoured ice creams  she would never ever share it with anyone,but not like anyone wanted it. Taehyung had never had them before so he didn't judge them.

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