🥀 - Chapter 19 -🌹

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(Helena Perspective)

I slowly opened my eyes and stared ahead. I was lying on the sofa in the living room, it was dark outside. Next to me in the chair sat Anne with a book romeo and juliet.


she closed her book, got up from her chair and joined me on the floor.
''Helena you're awake! How are you feeling?"

"I feel fine, how long have I been out?"

"you slept for 3 hours. After we bandaged your wound you fainted. Ominis lifted you to the couch".

I looked at my hand and saw the bandage wrapped tightly around it.
The pain was not extreme but i needed something to heal.

"do you have a wiggenweld for me Anne?".

Anne walked to the kitchen and returned with a small green bottle and Ominis walked behind her.
I sat up straight and drank the bottle.

"Lena you're awake, You slept for a really long time!" said Ominis as he gave me a hug.
"I was so worried, but luckily you are okay".

He was wearing a tight black apron over his clothes that was wrapped to his back. I smelled a sweet fragrance with a hint of spices "Ominis, are you cooking?" I asked surprised.

"ow this, uhm yes i can cook... I'm making dinner for the 3 of us.
Which I actually need to get back to before it burns".
I giggled at the idea of Ominis being the perfect gentlemen again.

Anne sat next to me "He's taking care of us Lena, he's a treasure. I have suggested that you guys stay for the night, it's very late now so travelling back is not a good idea with the woods and all".

"How sweet of you Anne, thank you for your hospitality. which room can I sleep in tonight?".

"Well about that, I am sleeping in Sebastian's old room. You guys can sleep in my uncle's bedroom, if you want to sleep together of course? Otherwise, I still have my old bed over there in the corner".

I got a red colour on my cheeks. "I don't mind sleeping in the same room. We did it at Gaunt manor.
I had crawled next to him when I had nightmares, so were used to it.''


Anne shifted a bit and sat down in a cross-legged position and stared at me.

"so girl tell me all about your adventures, are you guys together now?, have you kissed yet? Because I'm so curious after all your letters. The last thing you let me know was your argument and the expression of his feelings... I want more details".

I copied her sitting position and started telling about the picnic and waterfall, the touches and Ominis his expressions. My way of flirting to get what i want, his touch. The first time he touched me on my bed. His jealousy about Evan. The party at Garreth's, our encounter in the hallway and my boorish behaviour after that. the distance that came between us, the situation in the potions room, and our romantic but overwhelming moment on the way to feldcroft.

"ohhh Lena you are slowly falling for his charms, I hear it all. I'm glad you found each other after everything that happened. And i understand that it has to be a secret for now".

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