🥀 - chapter 46 -🌹

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(Helena perspective)
I was picked up at Gaunt Manor with a carriage. I stepped inside, and all my girls were inside.
Imelda, Natty, Poppy, and Anne. They all gave me a hug and a kiss on my cheek ''HAPPY BIRTHDAY''
they called out to me, and I smiled and called out to them.

We planned to go to hogsmeade to have a small snack at the big tree, and later, we would party at the three broomsticks. This was girls' night! so NO boys were allowed to come. Unless they were cute said Anne.

I had brought my strawberry pie and gave them all a piece as I flew to Hogsmeade.
It was my first time baking pie.... so I didn't know if it tasted good or terrible.

They all took a small bite of the top and they liked it! ''This is really tasty Helena'' smiled poppy.
''Girl, can you bake!'' Natty said, surprised. i smiled at them and took a bite, too.
Oh, merlin, this is delicious.... I did have some help from flood and the kitchen staff.... but I did most of the work.
I know who is baking my birthday cake this year'' Imelda said with her mouth full.
We all laughed. It was nice to have my girls around me.

At the big tree, we ate a plate full of pasta and cheese and a glass of white wine.
I got some presents from them. From Imelda, I got cute earrings. From Poppy I got a new fantastic book about magical creatures. From Natty I got a beautiful black top. And from Anne, I got a beautiful hairpin. I took them all in a big embrace and kissed them all with three kisses.
Thank you, ladies! This means everything to me.'' And I wiped a tear away from my eye.
''Don't cry!'' Snarled Anne. ''If you do, I'm going to cry too.... and I don't want to waste my makeup''.
We laughed again, and Imelda called out. ''Let's get drunk'' and we all folded our arms and walked through the streets.

It was already quite crowded in the Three Broomsticks. People were sitting at the bar. Others were dancing. In the night, the bar turned into a nightclub. In the corners, people sat at round tables with drinks and bottles. Loud music was on the sound system, and the lights were flashing on and off.

We took a round table in the corner of the bar, and Sirona came to take our first order.
''Good evening ladies, drinks on the house''.
Anne looked at Sirona in surprise. ''That's so sweet! you don't even know us. Why would you do that?''
She nodded and smiled at Anne ''A friend of Helena, is a friend of mine''.

We were all handed a big mug of butterbeer.
''Cheers,'' we shouted in chorus, and we clinked our cups together and drank it empty.

Everyone shared their first week of vacation story. It was very entertaining.
Imelda told about Amith and India. Anne told about her week with Sebastian in London. Poppy and Natty had plans but decided to strike and go on vacation together.
I told about my fun week with Garreth and Professor Weasley.

Poppy Natty and Imelda went to get another drink at the bar. Anne pulled me closer to her by my arm. ''And?" she grinned. ''What?'' I replied with a smile.
''Did you kiss him?'' I looked at Anne confused ''Who? Ominis?" She laughed.
She moved even closer and whispered ''NOOO my brother!'' I pushed her away.
''ANNE what's wrong with you.'' She patted her pants of dust.'' A girl is allowed to dream, you know...''
And we both laughed full of hysteria.

She sat closer again ''No but I'm serious... Have you two spoken?'' I shook my head.
''Not really, yesterday we broke when we saw each other. and it felt different in a way... he's different... I'm different.... There's this teasing...I don't know if I should like it or not. I'm going crazy.''

''The last thing he knew was that you kissed him at the funeral.... so he's kind of looking for answers now. Just talk to him!'' i nodded at her. ''I will...''

The girls came back with butterbeer, and we all took a sip and went to the dance floor.
We danced and sang along to the songs we heard. Hands in hands, bodies against bodies.
We threw our hands in the air and jumped and danced until we got tired.

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