🥀 - Chapter 27 -🌹

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(Third person Perspective)
After the vacations, all the students came back from all corners towards hogwarts school. Some came walking from hogsmeade, others came by carriage ride. And some students came by boat, broom or thestral. The castle was a magical sight full of white snow. The pine trees were dark green with some snow on top of the branches. Other trees were bare and had lost their leaves in the fall. The cold winds of winter had already mellowed and the temperature was already becoming more pleasant. The sign of the spring season.

Around the castle, all the students gathered to greet and hug each other.
Parcels, bills and food were passed around and everyone was happy to be back.

In the middle of the square, 6 familiar faces were waiting for the last two members of the group.
''AH Ominis, Helena. there you are! Come Quickly'' said the red haired man.


It was tradition for the group not only to buy Christmas gifts for each other at Christmas eve, but also to tell their stories and adventures after the vacations by the campfire in the gryffindor room.
They all walked to the gryffindor dormitory and sat down on the couches, the floor was covered with mega pillows and everyone had a cup of tea, chocolate milk or coffee in their hand.

Imelda got up first and stood on top of the table.
''So my dear children, as you know I was at training camp for Quidditch. And you probably didn't expect this but...I am the new captain for the slytherin team this year. I got a new uniform and broom from my parents for Christmas. And I went by to see my family.''

she jumped off the table and sat down on the couch next to Amith and Garreth.

Amith climbed on top of the table and his legs wobbled with excitement.
''uhm well I went to my uncle's house in india this vacation. Here I took a tour of the mountains to study the stars. And to my great surprise, my star sign is Libra. And that means I'm a perfect match for an Aquarius.''

He got two blushing cheeks and looked with a side eye at Imelda as he sat nervously on the couch.

Garreth jumped off the couch.
''I was at my aunt's house again on Christmas as always. i was heartbroken for days because my eternal love Helena was not with me. I got a beautiful sweater with the letter G and ate a lot of chocolate frogs to eat away my sadness. I have a new experiment and would like to try it out if you guys are ready!''

He grinned from ear to ear and bowed to Helena who gave him a shove from the table as she laughed at his jokes.

Poppy caught Garreth and climbed onto the table.
''This year I rescued and sheltered not 1, not 2, but 6 hyppogrifs in my shelter. And together with my grandmother I took care of them. one of the Hyppogrifs was pregnant and we helped her give birth. After this we released them into the mountains of Scotland''.

She gave Natty a hand and pulled her onto the table and jumped off by herself.

Natty looked around and sighed.
''I had a strange vacation. I had nightmares about ghosts and demons. ate a lot of food and I didn't gain a pound. My mother was preaching her sermon about my safety and animacus every day. And I fell in love with my neighbor boy''.

The boys whistled at Natty who spun around on the table and sat down on the floor.

Anne stepped on the table doubtfully and looked down as she said.
''My brother, Sebastian... he, he's back from Azkaban..''

Imelda jumped up.


Anne nodded softly and gestured to Imelda to sit down.
''He's just not home yet...I haven't seen him. And I'm super nervous about confronting him. But I did miss him in all that time he wasn't here. And as for my vacation, I'm glad I'm better and can do things again. Thanks again Ominis and Helena for your loving visit,''

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