🥀 - Chapter 10 -🌹

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(Helena Perspective)
I had packed my backpack the night before we would travel to Aranshire.
I packed my bag with potions, warm clothes, books and shoes.
It had been a long time since I'd had my battle gear on; It barely fit.
My boots came down to my knees, which were tied with laces.

I looked out the window into the front yard, where Ominis was waiting for me in the morning sun.
He was wearing an all-black outfit, long black coat with black boots and a backpack on his back.

After reading the letter at the table, he had suggested that we had to go to Aranshire together. I had my doubts because I didn't know what to expect, but he had promised me that everything would be fine as long as we were together.

I supported my arms on the window frame and stared at the handsome man in the garden with his hair shining in the light. He turned his head towards the window where I was standing and got a grin on his face, I quickly bent down to hide.

*how did he always know where I was.... he can't see anything...*


I grabbed my backpack and walked down the stairs and said goodbye to Marcus and Marelie.

''You guys be careful! Stay together you'll be stronger'' Marelie had said to me as she gave me a hug.

Marcus gave me a wink and a map of Scotland ''Good luck Helena''.

With the map in my hands I walked out towards Ominis who was now standing with his arms crossed. ''Did you like what you saw darling?'' he said laughing.

''Ominis, how did you know...''

''I know you Lena, you often look out the window. And the crackle of the window frame gave you away''.

I got red cheeks because I had been caught staring.

''Are you ready?" he asked seriously.

''I'm almost ready, first i'll have to put the map in my backpack.''

I stuffed it in my bag and grabbed Ominis's hand and he apparated us to Aranshire.


Aranshire was a small cozy hamlet, the people in the square were sharing goods with each other.

Ominis walked up to a group of people to ask which of the houses was uninhabitable.

I looked around to get a landmark from before, but everything seemed unfamiliar.
The fact that I lived here, I couldn't believe it. My memories seemed hazy and non-existent.

I felt a firm hand on my lower back, It was Ominis who wanted to say something but hesitated.

''What did they say Ominis? tell me''

''your parents Helena.. They returned here in aranshire after a few years to look for you. But you weren't here, and they haven't been seen since''.


''their house has green beams at the edge of the roof, said that nice lady over there''.
He pointed in the direction of the people he had been talking to.

''Okay, let's have a look!''

I grabbed Ominis's arm to keep him close to me in case I needed him.


We walked past a few houses up the hill until we were in front of a house with dark green beams. The house was dilapidated and no longer habitable. ''Here it is,'' I said in a soft voice.

''If you don't want to do this we can go back Helena!'' Ominis said with a soft voice
''No, I have to do this! I want answers''.

I opened the garden gate and walked to the front door which was locked. ''Alohomora'' Ominis said as he tapped the lock with his wand. The creaking door slowly opened and a few birds flew out, they had found a place to sleep inside. I stepped inside and looked around, inside there were cobwebs hanging on the walls, dust on the furniture, paintings, cracks in the floor and wooden beams.

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