🥀 - chapter 51 -🌹

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(Helena perspective)
Agatha whistled again and another blood red dragon apeared behind the clouds. This one was bigger, the wings were enormous. And the dragon landed on a rock on the other side of Dalours. She bowed to it and the dragon bowed back. ''This is Drathena a female, she is a Peruvian vipertooth dragon. I found her in Peru near a giant vulcano that was about to burst out. Her wing was stuck under a huge pile of heathed stones. I had to heal her a couple of hours before i could fly away with her''

Sebastian now stepped closer and petted Drathena on her nose ''She's magnificant''
He touched her cheeks and rubbed her back ''Her skin is rough, is she hurt?'' he said worried.
''It's a problem i couldn't fix for her.. she was burned by the Lava in Peru.. but she's healty''

Ominis took my hand ''Do you want to ride a dragon love?''
My eyes shot open in amazement ''Is that possible??'' and i looked at Agatha.
She smiled at me ''Ofcourse! do you guys want to ride on Drathena??''
My eyes glimmerd ''Yes, yes! i would love that'' i almost fainted of happiness.
Agatha told me how to ride a dragon and i climbed on her back as i hold the handle.
Sebastian took a seat behind me.

''Are you sure this is safe?'' Sebastian said with a deep voice.
''Stop worrying Sallow, it's a fucking Dragon!'' i yelled at him.

Agatha handed me the straps ''alright you know the words. if you want to come back just whistle''

Ominis gave me a smile and blew me a hand kiss ''Fly my bird, fly! spread your wings''
I turned to Sebastian behind me ''are you ready?'' he was scared ''i guess..''.

I held the straps with a thight grip and yelled ''MONTER''
And the dragons wings spread and she pushed herself from the ground and flew into the air.
Her wings clapped and clapped until we were high enough to fly.
''VOLER'' i shouted, and she shot to the air as we flew past the mountains.
Over the trees and through the clouds, we flew past other dragons.
I laughed and cried at the same time ''WOOOOH THIS IS AMAZING''
Sebastian his laugh echoed through the mountains ''YESSSS''.

Dalours flew next to us where Agatha and Ominis were sitting behind each other.
''SEE, THIS IS FUN'' Agatha shouted to Sebastian, and Ominis smiled at us.

''DRATHENA, MONTER'' i shouted. And she flew higher and higher until we were above the clouds.
She spread her wings wide and let herself glide through the air. Above us a beautifull dark blue sky and bright white stars, and a white half moon. I felt like my heart was exploding in happiness.

I opened my arms like Drathena her wings, i wanted to fly to. Tears glimmed in my eyes as i looked around me, to the stars, the moon, Drathena. ''I feel so alive'' i spoke loud enough for sebastian to hear. ''I can see that!'' Sebastian shouted. ''The stars are so pretty tonight'' He said as he sat closer to me. ''They are..'' i responded. I lay my hands on my hips as i inhaled the cold air breeze, i was alive. A rough warm hand lay over mine and he whispered in my ear ''I'm glad to see you happy Helena..'' He said with a deep low voice. I didn't move my hand, i let him hold me just this once. I wanted it, i needed it.. his comfort, his touch. Because right now in this moment, i needed someone with me.
As to not break and cry again, afraid of the beautifull moment to get ruined again. My hand moved a little as i grabbed his fingers to hold his. Our fingers intertwined with the other ''I'm glad you're here with me Sebastian'' i said with a low voice.

He laughed softly ''Do you remember our flight to Feldcroft on your broomstick?'' i laughed to ''yeah i wanted to kill you right there and then''. He laughed harder ''Your stupid hair... it was all in my face.. sometimes i still taste your shampoo'' I laughed harder to ''Don't overreact Sallow, it wasn't that bad..'' His laugh stopped ''No you're right. because i got to hold you closer to me that day.'' And he sighed. ''Do you think we can go back to that?'' He said with a gentle voice. ''Maybe.. we have to talk about it sooner or later..'' i said as i leaned my body back against his to feel his warmth. He pressed his body to mine and whispered in my ear ''I hope we can..''

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