🥀 - chapter 52 -🌹

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(Helena perspective)
After Ominis said goodbye to me, i went to the Rosarium. I walked after him to go through the living room and the backdoor.
He went to the library and studies.

After today.. and all that Sebastian said to me, i had to know what was in vial number two and the letter.

I opened the door to the living room, and Sebastian stood there by the fireplace.
He held his hand over his eyes as he was thinking. He walked back and forth and stared at the fire burning woods. He seemed to worry about something, and perhaps it was about our conversation on Drathena. Or it was about the thing he needed to talk with Ominis about.

I stepped forward and said his name in a soft voice, "Sebastian.."

His face turned to my side, and his eyes locked on mine, the glint of tears in his eyes. He was crying. He wiped away some tears, and his whole body turned to me.
"Helena.." he whispered.

I took another step in his direction with my limping leg shaking and shivering.
"Are you alright?" I asked him.

"I'm fine. Just having a private moment"
He answered in a serious tone.

"Oh, okay.. i will leave you to it then, " i responded with a sad voice. He was pushing me away again.. as always.
He always does this when he's hurt.

I stumbled to the backdoor and went into the garden and to the Rosarium. The cold summer breeze shivered on my skin. This was a really cold night for such warm temperatures in the afternoon. I held my hands over my arms as i walked faster and faster. Still with my limping leg, i hadn't looked at it.. but the pain was not bothering me.. it were my thoughts.
About sebastian, his words while flying.
He loved me, for... me.

I grabbed the handle of the rosarium door and opened it to step inside. And i felt a warm appearance behind me, heavily breathing on my cold skin. "You're still hurt.." said a deep, low voice.

"I'm fine.." i answered as i took a few more steps inside and grabbed the table to not fall backward.

A warm hand lay on my shoulder. "You're not fine.. the red blood stain in your skirt says otherwise, and your pale white face tells me you've lost a lot of blood."

I turned with my back to the table and leaned against it with my hands holding the wooden edges. And i looked up in the brown yellow eyes that were worried for me. "Thanks for noticing, doctor, but i said.. i'm fine, " i snarled.

"Let me help you.. i will be careful, " he said in a soft voice as his gaze turned soft. And i let him, so i nodded.

He was slowly bending down on his knees, and i saw him hesitate for a second. I stretched my leg forward to let him know it was fine. He looked up and nodded.

He grabbed the white skirt with his right hand and gently moved it up. I felt the silk fabric sliding over my bare leg and his warm fingers against me. A shiver ran down my spine, a warm feeling in my bones. As i looked at him in front of me. He searched for the wound and injuries on my lower leg with his left hand.

He looked at me again, and i gave him a shy smile. Another sign for him to continue. And he pushed it further up and more and more. His breathing was calm and peaceful. Mine was anything but that. I felt like my lungs were exploding.

He stopped moving the fabric and looked at me again. "Are you scared?" He said in a soft voice. And i just stared at him, with a deep and small expression on my face.
"I won't hurt you, i promise," he said.

He held the skirt high against my thight with his right hand as he grabbed for his wand "It's the same spot where you got hurt at the waterfall, i can fix up the blood and stitch it.. it will leave a bruise.. is that alright with you?"

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