🥀 - Chapter 14 -🌹

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(Ominis Perspective)
After our trip to Ambrose city, we had travelled back to Gaunt Manor. Helena had said goodbye to her mother and family and gave her address details of the Manor. Before we left, she was whispering something to Evander in the corridor, I couldn't understand what they were saying. But when they came out of the corridor together, I knew something had been discussed that was not meant for all ears. And it probably had to be about that kiss he gave her it had to be..

I put my backpack in the main hall and hung my winter coat on the coat rack.
It was so much warmer here in winter than in Scotland.

Helena walked to the living room and plopped down on the sofa and chuckled softly.

''Are you okay?" I asked as I sat down next to her.

''I just don't understand this whole situation at all, what was she thinking to make me so angry and then after al the drama she confess that she is my mother....She could have told me yesterday".

She put her hand on my leg and squeezed it gently.

"i'm so sorry for our fight yesterday... I understand that you wanted to protect me from Evan.
But you don't have to worry about him. He's a good man"

I pushed her hand away from my leg.

"as for your mother, I understand where she is coming from. With such a dangerous partner and the worries about her child... she wanted to protect you Lena.

And about Evander... yes i was protecting you, because you don't know anything about him. And i was a bit jealous.. because i can't offer you what he hass. Special magic, the fact that he has sight, a warm heart and healingpowers.. And if i have to believe his brothers he is very handsome to.''

I got up from the sofa and stood by the fireplace.

"I heard you calling him your soulmate.. You know that soulmates are bonded for life. Ying and yang, both part of a puzzle piece fitting each other in every aspect. A soulmate is from another life.. not this life. Soulmates are like mirrors, they came into your life to show you something. I already met mine, i could learn from her to move on with my life after all the traumas. so you have to tell me Helena, what were you two talking about in the hallway this morning?"

There was silence behind me on the sofa, I heard Helena breathing softly.

"I . ominis... I can't tell you".

"Helena it's fine that you found your family and trust them, and that you found your soulmate.
But don't keep secrets from me! Because I'll find out about everything.
Let me know when your ready to talk about it. I will be here, no matter the subject".


In the afternoon, I sat with my father in the backyard of the house. Both a cup of coffee and in our hand a book. I was reading a historical novel and my father an archaeology book about salazar slytherin heirlooms. After my conversation with Helena in the living room, she decided to get away for a while to walk into the forest. She wanted to practise her magic and sort out her thoughts.

The perfect gentleman that I was, gave her the space and time for this.
She hadn't told me anything about her conversation with Evander.

*would it be about her family, that kiss, him, me... or maybe her magic*

I slammed my book shut and looked at my father. He didn't know everything about our visit in ambrose city, and I wanted to keep it that way. But I needed to talk to someone about this.

"Father, I need some man to man advice"

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