🥀 - chapter 44 -🌹

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(Helena perspective)
My hand slid along Sebastian's as I laid my head down on his shoulder. He quickly pulled his hand away and his attention turned to something else. He released me from our embrace, smiled at me and walked to the bedroom across from me and closed his door.

Not many minutes later, Ominis came walking up the stairs.
My robe hung half open from the overwhelming embrace with Sebastian.
I quickly closed it, tightened the cord and sat down on my bed edge.

He stepped inside my room and nodded at me ''I've sent two of my father's friends out there. They are going to see what they can find out Helena''

I sighed deeply and nodded at him ''Thanks Ominis!''.

Ominis grabbed my hand and pulled me off the edge of the bed toward him.
He looked at something in my eyes, he stared into them searching for an answer ''Are you okay?''.

''Yes'' I whispered softly.

''Did he come to see you?'' he asked with a serious tone.
I knew who Ominis was talking about, of course he noticed it right away.
He smelled his scent on my body.

I nodded my head gently and leaned forward and gave him a hug.
He wrapped his two arms around me and pressed his nose into my forehead and gave a kiss.

''He's back'' I said softly.


Not many moments later the loud bell rang from the kitchen, it what dinner time. Together with Ominis and Sebastian I sat at the large dining table. Ominis at the head, me to his left and Sebastian to Ominis' right.

My plate was full of delicious food, and I was so hungry. After those few days in the dungeon, I had no nutrition and I was really hungry.

It was quiet at the dining table, the only sounds you could hear were the forks clinking on the plates. The eating sounds from our mouths and the cutting of a piece of meat. My heart was pounding so hard in my body that I was afraid people would hear it...that's how quiet it was. I stared deeply into my plate, hoping the food would magically disappear into my stomach.

With each bite I took, I looked sideways out of the corner of my eye at Ominis staring at me, his plate and Sebastian. I wondered why he didn't just start eating.... He hadn't taken a bite yet.

I ate quickly not only because I was hungry...but also because I wanted to get away from this weird situation. It was just weird...it didn't feel like it used to.

I lifted my head and took a sip of my wine and my eyes unconsciously focused on Sebastian across from me who was looking at me with wide eyes. I quickly put down my glass and stared at my fork taking a bite of food. I looked at Ominis again who now took a bite with difficulty.

Sebastian took a bite of his food and washed it down with a big gulp of wine from his mug.
He cleared his throat ''yes, this isn't weird or awkward at all...''

I coughed my drink out of my throat and I chuckled.
That pure Sarcasm from Sebastian's mouth always made me laugh.

''I was wondering when you were going to say something Sebastian'' Ominis responded with a serious tone.

I looked up again at Sebastian who was sitting at the table smiling, leaning back in his chair.
Glass of wine in his hand and looking at Ominis.

I really stared intensely at Sebastian in that chair. I looked at his hands and his bare arms. Those were bigger, you could clearly see the veins popping out of his body. Around his left hand rested my ring on his ring finger. To his chest where his black blouse was buttoned up to four buttons from underneath.

He smiled at Ominis who sat sighing in his chair while Sebastian spoke to him.
Their conversation was about the food, and the delicious wine Sebastian was drinking.

Just the sight of Sebastian's muscular body in that small chair did something to me.
He had changed -- his jawline was tighter, and his brown hair fuller. And his freckles were more visible through the room light. I stared at his full lips that I had once kissed.
And at those brown eyes....

My attention was brought back to reality because Sebastian saw me staring at him.
I felt my cheeks glow red and I ducked into my chair. He grinned at me and stared at my eyes and my lips and took another sip of his wine. And continued his conversation with Ominis who by now had his plate almost empty.

I slid further and further from my chair, wanting to crawl under the table.

I threw the napkin that was on my legs onto my plate as I stood up quickly to avoid falling out of my chair. The two men were startled by my quick reaction and looked at me in surprise.
''I have to go!'' I said hastily, and I ran out of the dining room into the garden.


I sat down at the little table in the rosary and grabbed my ink, feather and a paper from the cabinet. I had to write Anne a letter! And right now.


Hello lovely sweet Anne,


Sebastian is here in the manor...
and I'm dying of these nerves.

Come and safe me!

- Love Helena

I waved my magic wand and the note disappeared into thin air.
In the locker was my reading book and a lamp. I often came to the Rosarium when I wanted to escape. The book I was currently working on was about magical creatures from another dimension.
10 Minutes later, the first letter from Anne appeared on the small table.


Hi there nervous beautifull Helena,


You can do this girl! i know it.
Just listen to your feelings, if it feels right do it.
If it scares you... don't!

I see you tomorrow x

- Love Anne

I smiled at Anne's letter. Tomorrow was my birthday and we were going to hogsmeade with the girls to celebrate. Now that I was back in the Manor and not in Ambrose city I'm sure Ominis already had an idea or a plan to celebrate together.

Half my book was already read and I looked at the clock hanging on the wall, 11:30 time to go.

The moon was full and beautifully white in color, it was perfectly round and close to the earth.
A dark cloud flew slowly in front of the moon and I heard rustling behind me.
I quickly turned around and saw a white wolf coming from behind the bushes.

''Sebastian...'' I said softly.

He came and sat next to me on the ground and stared at the moon with me.
We looked at the stars, the clouds and the full white moon and he howled at it.
I looked at his big white bulbous head, and I stroked it.
He licked my hand, and I knelt beside his body and hugged him.
His big warm soft body pushed into me and he ran into the woods.


I couldn't sleep that night...I had to think about all I had been through in the past few days. My life seemed like a hopelessly dramatic book. I sat on the sill of my window and stared at the stars and the moon. The universe was so beautiful; it always brought me peace and calm. I leaned my head against the window and tears streamed down my cheeks. Life seemed so complicated these past 2 years.... I had been through and seen a lot.... Experienced traumatic things, but had also been allowed to discover beautiful things.

I stroked my hand under the windowsill and grabbed my little black book from behind the stove. With my feather and ink I wrote down my day. This was already my 4th book filled with experiences and moments. I had started on the 1st day of hogwarts.

And tomorrow would be my birthday, the end of a chapter. A new beginning, a new age. All my life I have lied about my age, and I knew that now that I had met my real parents.
All my life I have thought I was 2 years younger than I actually was. Ever since I saw the birth certificate in my mother's hands I knew about the lie. I was turning 20 tomorrow.

I just didn't feel old...I still felt young and a little girl. Who is just learning to discover everything, invent new feelings and take her first steps in the world.

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