🥀 - Chapter 26 -🌹

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(Helena perspective)
The next morning I woke up in Ominis' room and he still hadn't come home. His side of the bed was unmade and no clothes were gone from the closet either. I put on my black long-sleeved dress, my black lace-up boots and walked down the stairs to the basement. It was the last morning before we were to leave for hogwarts and everything was ready and packed.

I walked down the last steps and was suddenly pulled into the bar and pushed against the wall and before I could scream a hand was held in front of my mouth. I struggled and opened my eyes, facing me was Evan with worry in his eyes. He looked around and then whispered softly.

''Helena listen, last night was wrong! What we did should have never happened but it's too late for that now. I'm not sorry but I'm aware of the wrong choices we made yesterday and I don't want to be tempted again either. I think it would be smart not to see each other for a while and only keep in touch by letter."

I mumbled something behind evan's hand "mppppfpf".
"what are you saying?" Whispered evan back pulling his hand away.

"you're right!" i Said.

He looked around again.
"have you seen Ominis yet? And are you going to tell him about yesterday?"
I bit my lip "no, I'm worried, he hasn't come home to me. And I'll tell him when I'm ready"

Evan looked at me hesitantly but then nodded.
"I understand that very well, and I understand your decision. For what it's worth, I had a great evening and I thank you for all the good conversations and new memories".

I pushed a tuft of hair behind my ear and got a blush on my head. ''yeah even when you uh..."
"uhh yeah! Haha that sure was nice" as if he could read my thoughts.

"but we won't do it again, no!"
"No we won't do it again" he grinned back.


We gave each other an embrace and walked to the dining room for breakfast.
At the dining table sat Marelie, no Ominis and no Marcus either.

"Good morning Marelie, slept well?" Said Evan excitedly as he sat down next to her.

She put down her cup of tea and looked serious.
"Not really, Marcus left furiously in the middle of the night to look for Ominis after he noticed he hadn't come home. I haven't heard from him since."

I grabbed Marelie's hand "they will probably come home soon I believe in that."

After our generously breakfast and 2 cups of coffee, we had another good conversation about hogwarts and the classes I was going to take after the vacations in the new school year. My birthday was also approaching and I was happy to see all my friends again. When Marelie wanted to tell about her last year at Hogwarts, we heard a loud bang coming from outside.

We jumped and ran out through the front door.
We found Ominis who had landed on a pile of crates with Marcus right behind him.


Asked Marelie who ran to her son to help him.

The moment she reached out to grab his arm she was startled by something and took 5 steps back.


I pushed Evan aside to see what was going on, he looked confused. I saw Ominis standing up AND his eyes were luminous green, and his face was covered in bruises and blood, he had been fighting. Marcus hoisted his wand toward Ominis and took steps forward in the same measure as Ominis.

*the imperious curse*

"I found my idiot son in a bar near here in the north of the country, he'd had a few glasses..."
he waved his wand back and forth and Ominis followed the movement.

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