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I have a theory.

Life is like cooking. Some people have a knack for it and they immediately know what to do the moment they enter the kitchen while others fail up. They could put the craziest things together and somehow it will still be delicious.

My former roommates, Vecker and America are one of each.

Odessa Vecker, is the flawlessly beautiful Russian composer with eyes bluer than a clear sky.

She has more talent on her little finger than most people have in their entire bodies. I have known her since the first day of school and the girl can do no wrong, so she's obviously the first type of person in the kitchen—the natural cook.

She is kind, selfless and humble.

She doesn't know it yet but I was there the first time she met Liam Griffith—the delectably hot, campus playboy who turned her life upside down.

I am not talking about their awkward first meeting at the greasy diner but the one where we were both too drunk to stand and this golden haired boy with a perfect smile came to the rescue.

The night was blurry but I remember Liam locking us in his car and telling me to honk if anyone caused trouble. He didn't even hesitate to help two strangers who desperately needed to drink water and take a nap.

He was just as drunk but I will never forget the long pause that occurred when they stared into each other's eyes that dizzy night.

It was like when lovers from a former life finally found each other in the next one. He smiled, she blushed and the rest was history. I knew they were meant for each other even when they were both in denial or too drunk to see.

After sobering up, we went back to the party and we never saw Liam again but when an opportunity presented itself, I made sure they met because I trusted in that look of fate.

They might be apart now but I still do.

America Viscount, is the gorgeous heiress with the heart of gold. She is a true empath, one that cares about nature and recycling and not causing harm to living things.

She has a smile that can start world peace and has hope that knows no end. Whatever random things she put together somehow became the best memories. We got close after the first semester and I know became a better person because of her.

She is true, free spirited and caring.

She doesn't know it yet but my biggest regret is hurting her. I have made a lot of mistakes in my life but losing her was my worst because she was the first person ever to give me that look of fate.

It was like our friendship came from our former lives and we were meant to be platonic soulmates. I was closer to Odessa but I felt it in my bone, that America and I were written in the stars.

We might be apart but I still believe it which is why I can't explain with words, the regret I feel for sleeping with her boyfriend John B.

I guess I should talk about me now but I should mention, I never cared to learn how to cook. I want to blame it on being British but Gordon Ramsey, immediately comes to mind.

That is why being here, alone and in a kitchen that is currently up in flames is not a surprise.

Sleeping with your best friend's boyfriend will do that for a person and did I mention I cheated on my other best friend's twin? Yes, Vecker's twin brother and America's boyfriend.

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