CHAPTER 51: Life in 30 seconds

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Aleksander and I spend New Year's and his 27th birthday making out under a light show in Dubai.

From there, life literally goes on full speed because by Valentines he puts his house on the market and I move into my own apartment as he wraps up in Boston.

But with Odessa's help, he permanently returns as my birthday weekend surprise and moves into my space.

Dr Henry and Ashton are still on the outs but he does help him move out once the divorce settles. I won't act like things haven't been a hit and miss but life is good again and it's all because of him.

My Aleksander.

Did I mention my billionaire boyfriend loves ruffing it in my little one room apartment and it's literally like mana from heaven? Because I swear its bliss which is why tonight I am treating him because I have good news.

"You need me to do what?" I am following Vecker around the school library.

"Serenade me and Aleksander, I have news to tell him." She pauses and her eyes thin. "Relax, it's about the show. He still doesn't know."

My agent couldn't reach me because I was in therapy so she called Vecker first, I'm going to be on daytime television after we graduate.

I finally got my big break as a soap opera regular.

"Okay, anything specific? Piano? Violin? Any song you guys regularly bone to?" She grabs a book off the shelf and tosses it into her basket.

Oh that's right, Vecker is still down because Liam is leaving next month.

Life might be going great for me but my best friend is still in under that dark cloud of heartbreak. It's been like 6 months now and I hate it because she deserves better.

She deserves a break too.

"You don't have to do it, I can just play something on the radio and—" Vecker hugs me to probably shut me up.

Aleksander does the same but with kisses.

"I'll do the violin since it's easier to carry and maybe a little Casablanca medley." She actually smiles, "text me the time and I'll be there."

"Odie," I hold her arm but she doesn't stop.

"See you tonight," she walks to another section.

This time last year, I was assaulted by my college professor and I slept with my best friend's boyfriend. If you told me I'd also end up homeless, lose a baby, bury the best dog in the world after losing my father as an aftermath then those would have been my 13th reasons.

But now, I am in a healthy relationship. Dr Gerald got fired, I get the chance to be there for Odessa for once and I am going to be a real actress on television.

Did I mention I am in love with the most perfect man on earth? Because I am and it feels really good to be in love and for that love to be reciprocated, I just want the same for my best friend.

And honestly, the only family I have.

"Sorry, I am late." Odessa walks in holding her violin case. "Do you still need help setting up on the roof?"

I check her out and she looks amazing but a little flushed.

"Yes but why do you look like you just saw a ghost?" I tease but her eyes drop. "Vecker," I check her eyes again. "Why does it look like you saw a ghost?"

She looks spooked which is odd because she is never spooked, that Russian blood is resilient.

"Oh Liam just uh," Odessa stops fiddling with her case to look at me. "Liam just showed up to my place, we got drunk and he passed out in my bed. Now he wants to talk so he is waiting in my apartment, currently contaminating everything all over again."

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