CHAPTER 22: Oh, sweet nectar!

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I couldn't.

I swear I tried but the more she talked, the more I realized she was on my lap and the more she played with my hair, the more—I couldn't hold back.

I don't care about the consequences. I don't care how inappropriate this is, I just—I had to kiss her. I needed to kiss Jessica and when I did, I knew nothing would ever be the same again.

That we, would never be the same again.

My father once told me, no kiss was perfect. That fairy tales were setting us up for failure but 6 months later when he kissed my mother at their vow renewal, he said the songs knew better and to believe them instead.

I was confused and nauseous because they French kissed in front of us but as Jessica climbs my lap and runs her fingers through my gel infested hair to reach my neck, I finally agree.

The songs did get it right. There was such a thing as a perfect kiss but no good deed goes unpunished because Jessica suddenly moves back after nicking my lower lip with her teeth.

"Are you okay?" I already know what the look in her eyes means.

I could read her better than she could herself sometimes and that was because I watched her more than she knew. It wasn't even a choice anymore, my eyes were just tuned to her and everything she does.

Which explains why, I am always frustrated.

"Okay." Jessica holds my shoulders when I cup her face. "What I am about to do is totally unrelated to this. I just drank, too many blue spicy shots with bourbon and a crap ton of martinis."


I'm going to kill Lori.

"You want to throw up?" I hold her body up by the waist and stand up with her in my arms. "Do you think you can make it upstairs?"

It will be easier to take her to bed from there.

"No," she kisses my cheek and runs down the hall.

I follow and when I open the door, Jessica's head is buried inside a porcelain toilet as she kneels.

Note to self: kill Lorelai Henry.

"Oh honey," I hold Jessica's hair back. "Was the kiss that bad? I just haven't kissed anyone in a while but I'll practice more, I promise."

And I promise to do it with only her.

"You're not funny," she hits my thigh but holds on to my hand when more things come out of her. "Okay maybe you are a little funny," she smiles when she finds a smirk on my face.

Jessica goes on to hurl everything we consumed from the dinner, including the creamy cheese cake and finally stops after the salad comes out with blue liquid.

I knew the lettuce wasn't fresh.

"Is this still part of the fantasy?" I give her a face towel and she snorts at my lazy attempt of a joke.

Wow, look at me. One kiss and I am already jumping circles to make her smile because I feel like I have been stabbed with mood stabilizers and Xanax, I am so content.

I move hair off her face as we rise off the floor and being face to face makes all of this real again. And all I can say is yep, I am definitely intoxicated too.

"I'm sorry," Jessica pouts as her eyelids drop. "I hate that I won't remember all this in the morning but you need to know that—" I press my finger against her lips and kiss her forehead.

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