CHAPTER 18: Chasing Liberty

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"I'd offer you another one but I want us to pace ourselves," my hand flinches when Jessica crushes the block of ice with her teeth.

She's almost done and the gloss has now fully disappeared from her lips.

Oh no, I can't look at her lips.

It'll make me sink my nails into her delicate skin to bring her closer but I really mean it when I say to pace ourselves. It's a miracle I am even touching her and that she is allowing me.

"You'd offer me another ice block?" She peers and I remove my hand away like she scorched me again.

She has to be doing this on purpose. She knows what she looks like and what her breathy thick accented voice can do. She just has to because—no!


"I meant another drink of bourbon but it doesn't really go well with cake." I run my fingers through my hair and turn away.

We need to be apart again.

"I think I'd prefer the ice," she bites her lower lip. "Can I actually have a glass full with another martini?" She tells the barman that hasn't stopped stealing glances of her.

Now, they definitely need to be apart

"Yes, please send them to our table." I pull out my wallet to tip him. "Along with another glass of whiskey, on the rocks." I urge Jessica to stand and she follows the direction of my hand.

As we walk back I steal one last look and take a deep breath to inhale her striking perfume. Tonight's scent, Good Girl—as if.

"Dr Henry." Jessica pauses just as we're about to reach the lower floor which is where the dinner party is held.

"Jessica?" I shove both my hands into my trousers because the urge to touch her is overwhelming me.

"I think I'm going to step out for a second," she pushes a curl off her face. "I really need some air. You know, to balance the drinks."

"Okay but—" she has already walked away.

I want to move but my body seems to be glued to the floor as my parents and brother lift their heads to get an idea of what's happening.

I turn mine and Jessica is stepping out with the barman that just served us, they give each other knowing smiles as they use an EMPLOYEES ONLY exit.

The bartender really? He didn't even work for her smile but she just gave it away.

Now I know, she did that on purpose.


"Thanks Kai," I exhale when he lights up my cigarette.

I needed this.

Smoking was one of the bad habits Jessica kept of Jess-Ann's. When I started dating Felix he got me to stop as a pre-med student with his facts and rants but it came back once I started therapy.

I limit myself to a pack a month but this is an emergency.

"Anything for my wife," Kai sucks on his own stick.

"Cute," I flick the ash off and he offers me a grin.

Kai King and I were cast on a musical our first year as a young married couple on the run. It was fun because we bonded over being immigrants and trying to make it on broadway.

He recently resurfaced after being partnered with Vecker for the end of year show last semester but I don't think they stayed in contact because he also happens to be one of the many that fell in love with her.

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