CHAPTER 12: Pulling the rug from down under

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I hugged Dr Henry for the first time and in the morning, everything reset and went back to normal like it was a lucid dream.

But it wasn't a dream.

Even with Holly in my arms I struggled to sleep all night because of the fuzzy feeling filling my body. When I woke up, he was already gone and when I dressed, the fuzzy feeling finally died because the last thing I ever wanted to do was disappear.

I go to see Devi after breakfast and she confirmed what I already knew walking into the session. Vecker was right, this wasn't about Dr Henry anymore.

It was about me finally getting off the guilt train and if I am willing to get turned on because of a hug, then it is the clear as day sign that dating is getting back on the table again.

I still have a crush on my boss, keyword crush.

As in, it is bound to crash and burn eventually which means I just have to wait it out like I used to in high school but I'm not a virgin in high-school anymore. I am,

"Jessica." Lori engulfs me in a hug. "I wasn't expecting you today, Kylie isn't home from school yet but I can find out how far she is."

That's right, today is Kylie Henry's birthday.

It's the big 13 and she wants everything to be perfect for her Gatsby themed intimate dinner tonight. She is having a birthday party on Saturday but none of us are allowed to attend hence the adult gathering tonight.

"I know." She was the first person I texted with my new phone, "I was hoping I could talk to you actually."

"Me?" Lori ushers me to the patio, where tea and macaroons are already waiting. "Then you should have called sweetie and I would have gotten us real drinks."

She teases and I smile because out of all my bosses, Lori is really the coolest.

"It's about my boss, Dr Henry." We take the seats facing the pool. "I don't know you if you know this yet but he paid for my tuition and even signed up to be my benefactor."

I am banking on the 90% chance she already knew about this because Alek tells his brother everything and he tells his wife.

"Yes, Ashton and I had a field day." She pushes a teacup towards me, "what about it?"

"Wait, you guys knew and didn't talk him out of it?" I pour myself some green tea and add a little honey.

"I should mention I am his accountant and it is his money but of course, we supported his decision to fund your education. I just wish you told us how bad things were for you."

Great, so the Henry's know I almost dropped out of school because I couldn't pay my fees. They probably know I got cut off now.

"Lori, I honestly didn't mention it because I didn't want charity," especially from the closest thing I have to a family.

They might be my employers but the Henrys treat me like one of their own and I didn't want to exploit that. Well, not till it was a real emergency like keeping me in the country.

I wouldn't put it past my father to get my student visa invoked since he co-signed it.

"Charity?" Lori raises a brow but softens immediately. "I admit Aleksander can be very curt but one of his less annoying qualities is that he gives without bias."

"Lori—" I still don't buy it.

"I know when you started this job, we outlined a few warnings but that was because we wanted to prepare you for the worst. I didn't want you going in blind but I see now, we forgot to give you some positives."

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