CHAPTER 39: A brother's bond

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"Ashton is here?" Jessica follows me out of the office.

She jumped my bones the moment we walked through the door and even though it wasn't the right way to take out our frustrations, it was the most efficient way.

Because after that my head was clear and she was calm enough for Blake to reschedule my missed appointments and I even attended a few meetings through Zoom while Jessica got us food.

"Yes," I told him to be here before the end of the day or else.

"Does he know?" Jessica is picking at her nails clearly nervous about all this.

"Yes, I sent a clip of my hair along with Anna's to a friend's lab after bumping into April this morning. We should have the results before midnight."

It usually takes days but Sidney's fiancé called in favor so they cut it down to less than 8 hours.

"It's almost ten PM," Jessica points out. "Does Lori know what's going on?"

I forget Jessica still doesn't know about Lorelai's part in all this.

"No, only Ashton and my parents know." I face her, "and now you."

I am so glad she is still here.

"Do you need me to step out? I could go hang out with Vecker while you guys talk and figure this all out."

I hesitate because I don't know. The last time I asked her to do this, she freaked out and broke up with me.

"Jessica—" the doorbell rings.

"Don't worry, I think Vecker needs me too. She didn't look so good earlier," Jessica holds my face and kisses me. "Don't kill your brother and remember the upside of all this."

I watch her shrug on coat and pick up her bag.

"Which is?" I sulk because there is no positive here.

Ashton and I never really fought growing up. I was broody and stoic and went to college a year before he did so we never had a reason to but we did have one big fight and that ended badly.

It took living apart to solve it and Kylie being born to bring us together.

"Baby Anna," Jessica says with the sweetest smile. "All the adults need to put her needs first, she's innocent in all this."

My heart swells because I didn't think she could be more perfect. I doubt I'd be as understanding if the roles were reversed.

"Thank you baby." I pull her back to kiss her because she is right,

Baby Anna is priority.

"Anna Josephine Sanders?" Ashton hasn't stopped pacing around the apartment.

He didn't even bring any luggage, he only came with his passport and wallet which only confirms Lori definitely doesn't know what's going on.

"Yes. Which is why, I am only going to ask you once" my jaw ticks. "Did you sleep with April the night she and I broke up?"

Unlike him, I have been the picture of calm and have kept my composure on the kitchen stool but that's only because I've had a full day to digest but any new information will change that, I just know it.

"Yes, I did." Ashton gulps and something in me literally dies.

What do I even say?

Is this history repeating itself? It's been almost 13years and still, all this bullshit again.

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