CHAPTER 10: Hanging on a thread

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"I know I said you were probably being dramatic but you were right, Dr Henry is freaking stunning."

Odessa and I break into laughter.

"I told you," I am walking Vecker to her car. "He looks like a super hero," but not the boring ones.

He is on Jason Momoa's Aquaman level, minus the tattoos.

"Definitely a cross breed because he has Chris Hemsworth's body, Chris Evans's voice and beard, Chris Pine's smolder and Henry Cavill'superman hair."

I nod because that is an accurate description of Dr Aleksander Henry, one may even find him too attractive but we all know there is no such thing.

"And you were right about him not knowing it, he is such a nerd at heart. You should have seen him talking about his research, he could have gone on for hours."

I feel a hint of jealously because Odessa is drop dead gorgeous too but it burns out immediately. She wouldn't screw my boss, especially after I told her about my possible crush on him.

She is not me.

"So, you sort of bonded with him." I remember how he opened up to her like it was nothing, she even got the first name approval.

"You think?" She asses my face before saying, "I think he was trying to impress me as your friend while getting some insight on you."

"No, he said he had no interest in knowing me remember?" No plans of that changing in the future either which still stings.

It's like being rejected before even auditioning, like I am not good enough for him to know but that has more to do with me than him.

"Wow," Odessa whistles. "Was I this annoying with Liam?"

"Firstly, this is not like you and Liam." The guy had the hots for her from the very beginning and she still doesn't believe it. "And yes, you were way worse."

Especially after they had sex, it was like she was taking clueless pills, she was so naïve about his feelings for her and hers for him.

"Let's see, Liam Griffith is the campus playboy and a man-ho who cheated on me while Dr Henry is the ridiculously hot neurobiologist that just saved your academic year. How will we ever compare?" She rolls her eyes, "Jess. I don't care what he said, he is definitely interested."

"It doesn't matter because I'm not ready," I look at my bandaged hand.

I hurt a lot of people last time I gave this romance-thing a chance. I don't want to risk it yet, especially so soon and with my boss.

"You need to stop beating yourself up for your past." She holds my hands, "America forgave you. Felix is over it and I never cared to begin with. The only person that hasn't moved on is you."

Oh, the irony.

"Kettle calling the pot black?" I jab and she yanks. "Fine, I agree I am riding the guilt train pretty hard but I don't think fucking my boss will get me out of it."

Even if I really want to and I really want to.

"You're probably right but at least ride the guilt train in better clothes, you look ridiculous in these." She plays with the flares of my blouse, "how is the man you're crushing on supposed to notice you in these baggy, very un-Jessica clothes."


"I'm not saying change your entire look for a man because this not about him. You're the most beautiful when you're confident and you're beautiful regardless but do these clothes really make you feel confident?"

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