CHAPTER 38: To kill a Mocking Bird

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Odessa leaves for her meeting with Tiffany and I join Ivan on the balcony with our drinks. The more he speaks the more I become comfortable with his ominous nature.

It's weird to realize Odessa is the warm one in the family because she doesn't talk much and her break up only closed her down more but she still shows signs of humanity.

It took months to break Felix down but Ivan is a Russian vault. He only shows surface things and his expressions seem calculated, like he is studying me to react to me.

"Didi tells me you're a good friend," Ivan refills my glass. "I am glad she has you and America, good friends are important."

"She said that because she chooses to see the best in everyone," I shake my head. "She should hate me."

"Why because you cheated on Felix?" I stare at him but he smirks. "Don't worry, he doesn't care anymore. It's a miracle what a sincere apology could do."

So he really did forgive me.

"I'll take your word for it." I take a long gulp because I might be off the guilt train but I am still feeling its dizziness.

"You know who I am curious to know about?" He waits for me to look at him to say, "Liam Griffith."

"No," I raise my hands. "Ask your cousin—" because I am not touching that.

"I'm getting married soon." Ivan looks out. "Honestly. I haven't spoken to my cousins in years but we'll all be reuniting soon because I am to wed. Lexie told me what happened and I just want to understand."

"Understand?" I press my glass against my mouth.

"How someone could hold so much power over a person," he holds the glass tightly. "I have never seen Didi like this, she smiles less now. Zones out more and—"

"I know," I nod in agreement.

I might be wrapped in my own drama but I saw it the moment I opened the car door. Odessa is cracking, she might be good at concealing it but her extreme autopilot is getting out of hand.

Not even her honest smiles reach her eyes, it's like she's disconnected entirely and the Juilliard audition just proved how much.

"What did Liam Griffith do?"

I am about to answer but someone walks in.

"It's ready." He is in a full 3 piece suit.

Asian, tall, good looking and obviously rich judging by the watch on his wrist. American accent with a touch of Korean, he actually looks like Kai.


"Jessica, this is Kudo Choi" Ivan introduces. "K, this is Didi's friend."

"Ah the broad from Manchester," Kudo acknowledges. "I have heard a lot about you."

"From Odessa?" I inquire because I highly doubt it.

It might have taken months to break Felix but Odessa took a year, the girl never reveals anything about herself let alone her friends and personal life.

"No, from my brother Kai. You might know the little shit, less good looking, sings like an angel." Kudo takes Ivan's drink and finishes it, "I was at the show you guys starred in together, great performance."

"Thanks," I don't hide my confusion.

This can't be a coincidence, Odessa's cousin and Kai's brother? There has to be a connection I am missing here.

"Kudo is my best friend," Ivan tries to explain but it only confuses me more. "He is my business in town."

"I'm his only friend," Kudo corrects. "Mr. Warmth here only likes hanging out with family, weirdo."

Even The Weak Can Be Wicked (PLAYBOOK #2)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin