CHAPTER 11: Rules vs the Exception

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"You were with her earlier today right?" Jessica actually expects me to answer.

It's like she forgot that I am the boss and she is the one I should be questioning about her whereabouts. And if I'm being honest, I truly want to know where she has been all day.

"Yes, we had a late lunch and I drove her back to work." I push my hands into my front pockets. "But I don't see why, coming early to my own house concerns you."

I try to draw the boundaries again.

"You mean the same way my fever concerns you?" She bites back and my jaw ticks.

At least her eyes are back to their intense siren gaze, her peering at me was my definite undoing. I hope she never does that again.

"But you don't have a fever. You might be a little warm but that could be the vodka, one cocktail was it?"

"It could have been 3," she bites. "I was off the clock, so it was probably five."

"Five?" I whistle, "I hope you had something to eat first."

I am not one to recognize social calls but this oddly feels like we're flirting.

Are we flirting?

"Let's see, there was that muesli for breakfast, then the fruit bowl from the canteen after therapy and before meeting Vecker and I can't forget the cookies she bought me. Three meals a day like you wanted."

"Jessica," I warn because if this is flirting then I don't like it.

If she indeed only had those snacks and still consumed so much alcohol, it could be detrimental to her health.

"Dr Henry." She challenges and I contemplate the outcome of this conversation.

Usually I'd be trying to calculate how it could go so I chose the most acceptable route but I am not thinking straight. I am even saying the wrong things which is unlike me.

"I'll make you a sandwich, you should probably go take a bath to fresh up and cool down." I only suggest because I could use a cold shower myself.

"Seriously?" Jessica scoffs behind me. "You laugh at Sidney and Vecker's jokes but when I try to make one, you scold me like a kid."

"Miss Beer," I understand emotions are high but—

"You're my boss I get it." She mocks, "you're my benefactor, I get that too but stop trying to be my damn father."


She thinks I am interested in being related to her?

Fine, Jessica is not the only one that can express her annoyance with slicing words.

"Dr McKenna," I correct with my strictest tone. "I get to call her Sidney because she's my friend but you're her patient, so you'll address her as Dr McKenna."

The look in her eyes reflects how I felt when she called me her father.

I really didn't like that.

"Good night Dr Henry," she retreats up the stairs and I remain in the kitchen.

I am not an expert but I doubt that's how flirting is supposed to end. With the girl sulking in her room and with boy feeling annoyed but then again, what do I know about these things except that I have to be the one to apologize.

"Jessica?" I tap on the door but she doesn't answer. "I'm coming in," I twist and the knob gives away.

I should really talk to her about locks because she didn't lock the bathroom last night too.

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