CHAPTER 25: The play of Cat & Mouse

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I know this probably goes against our contract and ethical relationship but Dr Henry is being an asshole and I can't let it go.

"What do you want me to say Dr Henry?" I walk to the coat closet and pick out a burgundy long coat.

"Aleksander." He corrects with a lip twitch. "You had my tongue down your throat, you earned the first name basis."

I whip my head back so fast, I won't be surprised if I get whiplash.

"Do you think this is funny?" I cross my arms and frown.

"No, I am taking this very seriously but if I don't find the humor then I'll really lose my mind." I follow his gaze to where my boobs are pushed up because of my arms but I don't drop them.

He needs to know what he can't have.

"What do you want me to say Aleksander?"

That last night was perfect and kissing him was the best thing to happen to me since I lost everything. I can't because that's not going to work in real life.

"You are my boss and benefactor, we have established that this is not Pretty Woman." And that I am a Breakfast at Tiffany's woman at best!

"I watched Pretty Woman and she was a prostitute," he moves closer to me. "He wasn't a neurobiologist. Matter of a fact, he bought her clothes and I just cleared your student fees."

"Dr Henry—" that's clearly not the point here.

"Alek," he runs his fingers through a lock of my hair. "Please, call me Alek or Aleksander. Call me anything but that."

I roll my eyes because I know what he is doing.

"Why? Because we kissed?"

"No, because you calling me Dr Henry puts walls between you and I." He walks closer, "and I don't want anything between us anymore. I just want to see you without barriers, so stop putting them up."

My arms drop and I step back when our abdomens touch.

"I know what you're doing," I move back till he has me pinned against the counter in the kitchen. "But it won't work." He stretches his arms to cage me in just like he did last night.

"You mean the same thing you're doing with this dress?" One of his hands moves to my lower waist. "Sadly, it's definitely working in driving me crazy."

I bite my smile.

"You've always been crazy" I raise my nose. "Don't give me the credit."

He bites his smirk as he moves deathly closer to my face.

"That's because everything you do drives me crazy Jessica, I just can't pretend it doesn't anymore." Alek stops and inch away from my mouth. "Do you really want me to forget last night? Were you doing it because you were drunk?"

No, of course not.

"Were you?" I definitely recall him kissing me first.

"Jessica," he closes the space between our bodies and cups my face. "Do I look like a man that can be coerced into doing something he doesn't want to do?"

No because no one can make Aleksander Henry do something he doesn't want to do, especially if that thing involves a woman and a relationship. I remember Lori's words clearly.

"What now?" With heels on, he only needs to hover for our lips to touch and I really need our lips to touch.

"Now I let you go," he puts an island of space between us again and my heart drops.

Even The Weak Can Be Wicked (PLAYBOOK #2)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن